Sigma model in AdS_{3}× S^{3} background supported by both NS-NS and R-R fluxes is one of the most distinguished integrable models. We study a class of classical string solutions for N-spike strings moving in AdS_{3}× S^{1} with angular momentum J in S^{1} ⊂ S^{5} in the presence of mixed flux. We observe that the addition of angular momentum J or winding number m results in the spikes getting rounded off and not end in cusp. The presence of flux shows no alteration to the rounding-off nature of the spikes. We also consider the large N-limit of N-spike string in AdS_{3} × S^{1} in the presence of flux and show that the so-called Energy-Spin dispersion relation is analogous to the solution we get for the periodic-spike in AdS_{3}− pp-wave ×S^{1} background with flux.