Jul 18 – 23, 2022
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Chat / Streaming / Videos

Streaming and video recordings


Links to the recordings of the talks are in each Talk Contribution under "Presentation materials". The contributions are listed both in the Contribution List as well as in the Timetable and the videos can be accessed from there accordingly.

The recording of the entire Concluding Session can be found here.


Conference chat

The conference chat is now closed, but the info below is kept for historical reasons. 


A conference chat has been set up on zulip. Click on the following link to create an acccount and join the chat:


Please note that this forum is part of the official Strings 2022 conference, and thus we ask you to behave respectfully and collegially towards all participants. Questions and discussions are encouraged, but repetitive questions and disruptive behavior are not. In particular the code of conduct of the conference also applies to online spaces.