Kasia Budzik
(Perimeter Institute)
Holomorphic twists of $\mathcal{N}=1$ QFTs are defined by restricting to the cohomology of one supercharge, capturing the quarter-BPS operators that are counted by the supersymmetric index. We focus on the example of the holomorphic twist of pure $SU(N)$ gauge theory. We observe that the differential in the holomorphic twist receives loop corrections at all orders which make the theory topological. This can be interpreted as a sign of confinement of the original theory. We also present a holographic realization of the holomorphic theory in the topological B-model. This is joint work with Davide Gaiotto, Justin Kulp, Brian Williams, Jingxiang Wu and Matthew Yu.
Kasia Budzik
(Perimeter Institute)