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18–23 Jul 2022
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Reconstruction of spectra and an algorithm based on the theorem of Darboux

Not scheduled
Audimax (University of Vienna)


University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria


Timotej Lemut


Assuming only a known dispersion relation of single mode in the spectrum of a two-point function in some quantum field theory, we investigate when and how a reconstruction of the complete spectrum of physical excitations is possible. In particular, we develop a constructive algorithm based on the theorem of Darboux that allows for such a reconstruction when the associated spectral curve is non-factorised and all modes can be connected by level-crossings. For concreteness, we focus on theories in which the known mode is the gapless excitation described by the hydrodynamic gradient expansion. We numerically apply the algorithm to a few simple examples of reconstructions and then to the example of transverse momentum excitations in the holographic theory describing a stack of M2 branes, which includes momentum diffusion as its gapless excitation.


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