18–23 Jul 2022
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Constructing Non-BPS Microstate Geometries

Not scheduled
Audimax (University of Vienna)


University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria


Anthony Houppe


Microstate geometries in string theory replace the black-hole horizon with a smooth geometric "cap" at the horizon scale. Famous examples of such geometries include so-called "superstrata", which are microstates of the extremal three-charge black hole in six dimensions, and whose holographic duals are very well understood.
Because of the huge simplifications provided by the BPS equations, most of the currently known microstates are supersymmetric. The current challenge is to get beyond supersymmetry and extremality.
Based on 2107.09677 and 2112.03287, I will present a new way to construct non-BPS microstate geometries, using a consistent truncation to a theory of gauged supergravity in three dimensions.


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