18–23 Jul 2022
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Worldsheet Correlators in Black Hole Microstates

Not scheduled
Audimax (University of Vienna)


University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria


Mr Davide Bufalini (University of Southampton)


One of the most important objectives of string theory is to account for the bulk entropy of the 3-charge black hole. Some microstates may not have a reliable supergravity description, and thus models that capture stringy physics may be essential. I will present an exact worldsheet model describing the propagation of a string in some non-BPS microstates, and show how to compute correlation functions of physical states in this background. From the worldsheet, we obtain a new infinite family of new non-SUSY holographic Heavy-Light correlators involving an arbitrary number of light states in the chiral multiplet, with arbitrary conformal dimension and R-charge. Some of these correlation functions appear to be accidentally protected and perfectly match very few previously known cases computed at the orbifold point of the D1D5 CFT.


Mr Davide Bufalini (University of Southampton)

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