18–23 Jul 2022
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Degenerate Microstate Solutions: At Moduli Space's End

Not scheduled
Audimax (University of Vienna)


University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria


Yixuan Li (IPhT Saclay)


Large classes of supergravity solutions that appear to be coherent microstates of the D1-D5-P black hole have been found by the Microstate Geometries program. These solutions have a smooth cap at the bottom of a long but finite throat, replacing the black hole's horizon lying at the bottom of an infinitely-long throat. Because of gravitational blueshift, a small amount of energy as seen from the asympotics will become large at the bottom of their throat; this energy could perturb the smooth structure replacing the horizon, and force the solution to move in moduli space. One possible outcome is that the solution approaches a locus in the boundary of the moduli space where its smooth microstructure degenerates into a horizon.
This poster will show how our work [2202.08844] brings to light new degrees of freedom that prevent the horizon to form in the limit where a class of microstate geometries -- the so-called superstrata -- seem to degenerate into black holes. These correspond, in a dual frame, to local brane density modes along the common D1-D5 circle. The degenerate microstate solutions, carrying these modes, behave locally as two-charge solutions and have vanishing horizon area; while asymptotically, they have the same charges as the three-charge F1-NS5-P black hole.

Based on [arXiv:2202.08844] with Iosif Bena, Nejc Ceplak, Shaun Hampton, Dimitrios Toulikas and Nick Warner.


Yixuan Li (IPhT Saclay)


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