18–23 Jul 2022
University of Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Microstates of the Non-Supersymmetric Two-Dimensional Black Hole: A Boundary Decription

Not scheduled
Audimax (University of Vienna)


University of Vienna

Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Gong Show Talk Gong Show


Ronak Soni (DAMTP, University of Cambridge)


In the matrix quantum mechanics (MQM) dual to the non-supersymmetric 2d black hole, we identify a set of degenerate states as the black hole microstates. At leading order in large $N$, the log of number of these states (already calculated by Gross and Klebanov) matches the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula, and also agrees with one of two candidates found by Kazakov and Tseytlin. The mass term in Kazakov and Tseytlin’s free energy also matches the energy of these states conjectured by Gross and Klebanov; we show this conjecture. We also calculate the microcanonical entropy in a higher-energy phase, which we conjecture to be dual to the $c = 0$ phase of 2d string theory. We try to interpret our results in string theoretic terms and find that it is consistent with some arguments of Kogan, Sathiapalan and Atick and Witten regarding the phase structure of string theory. Finally, we discuss a tantalising analogy to Motzkin walk models.


Ronak Soni (DAMTP, University of Cambridge)


Amr Ahamdain (DAMTP, University of Cambridge) Alexander Frenkel (Stanford University)

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