The latest results on non-resonant Higgs boson pairs (HH) production in the bbtautau final state (where one Higgs boson decays into a pair of bottom quarks and the other decays into a pair of tau leptons) as well as in the multilepton final state will be presented. Both the gluon fusion and vector boson fusion production mechanisms are investigated. The bbtautau final state gives a good trade-off between a sizeable branching fraction (7.3%) and the purity of the tautau selection. This purity makes the bbtautau channel one of the most sensitive among those studied. These results considerably improve the latest ones published in 2016, profiting both from increased luminosity and novel analysis techniques that enhance the sensitivity of the search, i.e. extensive use of machine learning techniques for both event selection and signal extraction. The multilepton analysis selects 2-4 leptons and targets final states with 4 W bosons, 2 W bosons and 2 tau leptons, or 4 tau leptons.
Type of talk | Experimental measurements |