7–11 Nov 2022
Europe/Rome timezone
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Concert: Coro Vincenzo Galilei


Coro Vincenzo Galilei

The Vincenzo Galilei Choir, named after the father of Galileo, a talented musician, was established in 1975 at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, on the initiative of maestro Piero Farulli.

The Choir is composed largely of students, lecturers and researchers from the University of Pisa and the Scuola Normale Superiore, as well as Pisan citizens of various professions and numerous musicians. Currently it has about 60 members, including choristers and collaborating musicians.





(Cremona, 9 May 1567 – Venice, 29 November 1643)

Concerted Madrigals from books VII (1619), VIII (1638) e IX (1651)

  • Hor che ‘l ciel e la terra e ‘l vento tace - a sei voci con due violini - Ottavo libro
    [ Non that heaven and  earth - for six voices with two violins - Book VIII ] 
  • Ardo, avvampo, mi struggo - a otto voci con due violini - Ottavo libro
    I’m on fire, ablaze - for eight voices with two violins - Book VIII ] 
  • Lamento della Ninfa - a quattro voci: canto, due tenori e basso - Ottavo libro
    The maiden's lament - for four voices: singing, two tenors and bass - Book VIII ] 
  • Su, su, su, pastorelli vezzosi - a tre voci - Ottavo libro
    Come, handsome shepherd lads - for three voices - Book VIII ] 
  • Amor, che deggio far? - a quattro voci con due violini - Settimo libro
    [ Love, what am I to do - for four voices with two violins - Book VII ]
  • A quest’olmo, a quest’ombre et a quest’onde - a cinque voci - Settimo libro
    [ To this elm - for five voices - Book VII ]
  • Chiome d’oro - Canzonetta a due voci concertata con due violini - Settimo libro
    [ Golden tresses - Two-voices canzonetta with two violins - Book VII ]
  • Bel pastor, dal cui bel guardo - Duetto - Nono libro
    [ Handsome shepherd, from whose fine eyes - Duet - Book IX ]
  • Tu dormi, ah, crudo core! - a quattro voci - Settimo libro
    [ You sleep, ah, cruel heart - for four voices - Book VII ]
  • Vago augelletto che cantando vai - a sette voci con due violini e un contrabbasso - Ottavo libro
    Pretty little bird - for seven voices with two violins and a double bass - Book VIII ]
  • Gira il nemico insidioso Amore - a tre voci - Ottavo libro
    That cunning enemy cupid is stalking - for three voices - Book VIII ]
  • Altri canti di Marte e di sua schiera - a sei voci con due violini - Ottavo libro
    Let others sing [of Mars] - for six voices with two violins - Book VIII ]

Tickets are available here.

20 additional seats will be made available on the evening of the concert for those present.

Venue and Time:

Arsenali Repubblicani
Via Bonanno Pisano, 2, Pisa, Italy

8 November 2022, Starting at 21:30