7–11 Nov 2022
Europe/Rome timezone
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Semi-dark Higgs decays: sweeping the Higgs neutrino floor

10 Nov 2022, 17:40
Sala Azzurra (Palazzo della Carovana)

Sala Azzurra

Palazzo della Carovana

Beyond the Standard Model Thursday Session B


Jose Manuel Cano (IFT UAM/CSIC)


We study exotic Higgs decays $h \to Z X$, with $X$ an invisible beyond the Standard Model (SM) particle, resulting in a semi-dark final state. Such exotic Higgs decays may occur in theories of axion-like-particles (ALPs), dark photons or pseudoscalar mediators between the SM and dark matter. The SM process $h\to Z\nu\bar{\nu}$ represents an irreducible ``neutrino floor'' background to these new physics searches, providing also a target experimental sensitivity for them. We analyze $h \to Z + \text{invisible}$ searches at the LHC and a future ILC, showing that these exotic Higgs decays can yield sensitivity to unexplored regions of parameter space for ALPs and dark matter models.

Type of talk Theory


Presentation materials