7–11 Nov 2022
Europe/Rome timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

An overview on low mass scalars at future lepton colliders

10 Nov 2022, 14:55
Sala Azzurra (Palazzo della Carovana)

Sala Azzurra

Palazzo della Carovana

Beyond the Standard Model Thursday Session B


Tania Natalie Robens (Rudjer Boskovic Institute (HR))


Although many suggestions for BSM searches at future colliders exist, most of them concentrate on additional scalars that have masses higher than the current SM scalar mass. I will give a short overview on the current status of models and searches for scalars with masses below this. Based on https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.09687

Type of talk Future prospects


Tania Natalie Robens (Rudjer Boskovic Institute (HR))

Presentation materials