7–11 Nov 2022
Europe/Rome timezone
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Constrain new physics scenarios with enhanced light quark Yukawa couplings in off-shell Higgs production

9 Nov 2022, 16:45
Sala Bianchi (Palazzo della Carovana)

Sala Bianchi

Palazzo della Carovana


Elisa Balzani


We consider the recent measurement of off-shell Higgs production by the CMS collaboration interpreted in terms of a width measurement of the Higgs boson and confront it with new physics in which the light quark Yukawa couplings are strongly enhanced. Even at the HL-LHC light quark Yukawa couplings of the first generation can only be constrained by factors of order a few hundred with respect to their Standard Model value. In what regards off-shell Higgs production, while enhanced light quark Yukawa couplings modify the Higgs width, a straightforward interpretation of the CMS measurement in terms of the width cannot be done as new production channels open up. Instead the dependence of the off-shell measurement on kinematic variables such as the invariant mass of the Z boson pair can be exploited to constrain new physics scenarios with enhanced light quark Yukawa couplings.

Type of talk Theory


Elisa Balzani Ramona Groeber (Università di Padova and INFN, Sezione di Padova) Marco Vitti

Presentation materials