7–11 Nov 2022
Europe/Rome timezone
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Searches for additional heavy Higgs bosons

10 Nov 2022, 14:15
Sala Azzurra (Palazzo della Carovana)

Sala Azzurra

Palazzo della Carovana

Beyond the Standard Model Thursday Session B


Daina Leyva Pernia (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))


Extensions of the Standard Model Higgs sector with a second Higgs doublet allow for the existence of charged Higgs bosons as well as heavy pseudoscalar Higgs bosons. The heavy pseudoscalars can decay into a Z boson and a lighter scalar Higgs boson, which could be either the established 125 GeV state, or a new heavier sibling. Charged Higgs bosons are probed in various final states, including decays to a W boson and another lighter scalar. This presentation discusses recent results from the CMS experiment based on the Run 2 dataset.

Type of talk Experimental measurements

Presentation materials