Tuesday Session B: Effective Field Theory
- Dario Buttazzo (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
- Anke Biekoetter (IPPP Durham)
- Adinda De Wit (University of Zurich (CH))
Tuesday Session B: Future Colliders
- Dario Buttazzo (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
- Caterina Vernieri (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
- Marianna Testa (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
Higgs data can provide better constrains on some top quark operators than top data. Since in Higgs observables various SMEFT operators enter, differential Higgs data might prove useful in global fits including those operators. In addition, such analysis could shed light on the chiral structure of the (eventual) heavy new physics beyond the Standard Model.
We calculate the dominant...
We present an updated global SMEFT analysis in the Higgs and Electroweak sectors with the SFitter framework.
The main result we present is the comparison of the results obtained with a frequentist and with a bayesian approach. The implementation of Bayesian inference in the SFitter framework is one of the main novelties of this work, and it is motivated by its greater scalability to...
We present the most recent searches for CP and anomalous couplings (AC) in Higgs boson production and decay. Couplings of the Higgs boson to both vector bosons and fermions will be discussed in various production channels and final states. The results have been performed with data from the full CMS Run 2 dataset, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb−1 at a center-of-mass energy...
In the absence of direct observations of new physics beyond the Standard Model, interpretations of results using Effective Field Theories can be a powerful tool to place near-model-independent constraints on new physics scenarios, or better observe deviations from the Standard Model and have it interpreted in terms of specific new interactions. This talk presents Effective Field Theory...
The electroweak symmetry-breaking sector is one of the most promising and uncharted parts of the Standard Model; but it seems likely that new electroweak physics may be out of reach of the present accelerator effort
and the hope is to observe small deviations from the SM. Given that, Effective Field Theory becomes the logic method to use, and SMEFT has become the standard. However, the most...
We analyse the sensitivity to beyond-the-Standard-Model effects of hadron-collider processes involving the interaction of two electroweak (V) and two Higgs (H) bosons, VVHH, with V being either a W or a Z boson.
We examine current experimental results by the CMS collaboration in the context of a dimension-8 extension of the Standard Model in an effective-field-theory formalism. We show that...
Diboson production processes provide good targets for precision measurements at present and future hadronic colliders. We consider $Vh$ production, focusing on the $h \to b\bar b$ decay channel, whose sizeable cross section makes it easily accessible at the LHC. We perform an improved analysis combining the 0-, 1- and 2-lepton channels with a scale-invariant $b$-tagging algorithm that allows...
The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era will herald significant increases in both the instantaneous luminosity and the number of interactions per bunch crossing. To cope with these significantly more complex conditions, detector upgrades are planned to maintain and surpass the current physics performance. The replacement of the current Inner Detector with a new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) is...
The FCC-ee offers powerful opportunities to determine the Higgs boson parameters, exploiting over 106 e+e−→ZH events and almost 105 WW→H events at centre-of-mass energies around 240 and 365 GeV. This essay spotlights the important measurements of the ZH production cross section and of the Higgs boson mass. The measurement of the total ZH cross section is an essential input to the absolute...
With technically mature design and well understood physics program, ILC is realistic option for realization of a Higgs factory. With a unique physics reach of a linear collider, ILC meaningfully complement projections for HL-LHC. Energy staged data collection, employment of beam polarization and capability to reach a TeV center-of-mass energy enable unique precision to probe BSM models above...