ECFA Higgs Factories: 1st Topical Meeting on Simulation
NEW! Sadly the meeting will need to happen in ONLINE format only. We hope to be able to receive a future meeting in Padova soon!
As follow up on the June 18th kick off for ECFA workshops on e+e- Higgs/top/EW factories, this is the first topical meeting on simulation.
A crucial role is played by fast and full simulation. In this two day meeting we will discuss the status and possible future developments as well as discuss with experts of the software framework common to FCC, ILC, CLIC, in order to efficiently interface the developments in the planned simulation chains of future accelerators and discuss with experts from LHC and Belle.
The workshop will be in hybrid form both in ZOOM and at Padova (Italy).
Please register (irrespective of whether you will participate via zoom or in person) preferably before Feb 2.
Connection information will be made available to the registered participants.
We are very interested in your participation in this common effort. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to make a presentation or if you would like to help with the work!
Kind regards,
ECFA Higgs Factories study
For registration an indico account is necessary.
Adrian Irles
Aidan Robson
Alain Blondel
Alan Price
Alberto Ribon
Aleksander Filip Zarnecki
Andre Sailer
Andrea Ciarma
Andreas Salzburger
Ang Li
Angela Zaza
Anna Colaleo
Anna Zaborowska
Arif Akhundov
Armin Ilg
Avnish .
Azad Ahmadov
Bohdan Dudar
Brieuc Francois
Caterina Aruta
Chris Potter
Christian Grefe
Christopher Damerell
Clement Helsens
Corrado Gatto
Daniel Heuchel
Daniel Jeans
David Lange
Deepanjali Goswami
Dirk Zerwas
Dmitri Konstantinov
Emanuela Musumeci
Emmanuel Francois Perez
Engin Eren
Erica Brondolin
Eugene Bulyak
Fabio Maltoni
Fabricio Jimenez Morales
Federica Cuna
Federica Maria Simone
Filippo Errico
Francesco Grancagnolo
Franco Bedeschi
Frank Simon
Fulvio Piccinini
Gang LI
Gang Li
Garzelli Maria Vittoria
Gerald Grenier
Gerardo Ganis
Gian Luigi Alberghi
Giovanni Francesco Tassielli
Goran Kacarevic
Graeme A Stewart
Gregorio Bernardi
Gustavo Gil Da Silveira
Hamzeh Khanpour
Haoyu Shi
Hector Garcia Cabrera
Iacopo Vivarelli
Irina Korzhavina
Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic
James Robert Letts
Jan Franciszek Klamka
Janusz Rosiek
Jean-Claude Brient
Jiri Kvasnicka
John Derek Chapman
Jonas Kunath
Jorge Berenguer Antequera
Juan Alcaraz Maestre
Juhi Dutta
Juraj Smiesko
Katja Kruger
Keisho Hidaka
Lampros Trifyllis
Lia Lavezzi
Lidia Kalinovskaya
Lorenzo Bellagamba
Lorenzo Capriotti
Lorenzo Pezzotti
Luc Poggioli
Lucia Masetti
Lucie Linssen
Maksym Titov
Marco Delmastro
Marco Scodeggio
Marco Toliman Lucchini
Maria Cepeda
Marina Chadeeva
Markus Frank
Markus Klute
Mary-Cruz Fouz Iglesias
María Teresa Núñez Pardo de Vera
Mayank Pal
Michelangelo Mangano
Michele Selvaggi
Mikael Berggren
Mogens Dam
Oguz Guzel
Oleksandr Borysov
Olin Pinto
Paolo Giacomelli
Patrick Janot
Patrizia Azzi
Pere Mato Vila
Peter McKeown
Philip Nicholas Burrows
Philipp Roloff
Praveen Chennavajhula
Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez
Reham Aly
Renat Sadykov
Robert Rossmanith
Roman Poeschl
Ron Settles
Roy Lemmon
Rute Costa Batalha Pedro
Sanghyun Ko
Saurabh Rindani
Saurabh Rindani
Serge Bondarenko
Simone Pagan Griso
Sudeshna Banerjee
Swathi Sasikumar
Tania Natalie Robens
Tatsuya Masubuchi
Thomas Madlener
Ties Behnke
Tommaso Lari
tomohisa ogawa
Ulrich Einhaus
Valentin Volkl
Vincent Boudry
Vitalii Okorokov
Vladimir Ivantchenko
Walaa Elmetenawee
youhui yun
Zhijie Zhao
Ziad El Bitar