Control of erosion and ignition of pulsed vacuum arcs

Not scheduled
Chania, Crete

Chania, Crete

Orthodox Academy of Crete, Platanias 73006, Greece
Oral Applications Applications


Michael Keidar


We will present recent results related to control of vacuum arc ignition and erosion in pulsed vacu-um arc devices. As a particular example, we will consider vacuum arc microthruster devices. To this end, we will discuss breakdown process in the case of a micro-vacuum arc thruster. In these devices ignition analysis includes effects of insulator material, cathode material deposition and cy-clic nature of insulation of the inter electrode layer. One example of plasma thruster is two stage device. The first stage is a short micro-second pulsed vacuum arc while the second stage is a long duration vacuum arc. Longer milli-second pulses of the second stage are formed in the presence of initial plasma formed during the first stage. This arrangement leads to enhanced cathode erosion.

Topic Applications


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