Instructions for presentation


  • Please prepare your presentation in PowerPoint (.pptx or .ppt) or in .pdf format. In both cases, a 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended. 
  • Your presentation should last about 20-25min, leaving enough time for discussion.
  • Please upload your presentation in indico beforehand. 
  • In case you do a remote talk, you can just share your screen via zoom to show your slides. Optionally, it is also recommended to record your talk and upload the video to indico, which will ease the process in case of technical issues.



  • Poster supports are 200 cm high and 140 cm width. The Poster panel suits better A0 format sheet vertical. Using A4 sheets is possible but not recommended.
  • The poster presenters are strongly recommended to bring their laptops to the presentation and keep a zoom call open so that the remote participants can join the discussion. A separate zoom breakout room will be assigned to each poster presenter. We will provide omnidirectional microphones to facilitate remote connections. In case you do not have a laptop, please talk to the organizers.
  • Please upload your poster in pdf format in indico before the poster session, so that remote participants can view it.