Field Emission
- Veronika Zadin (University of Tartu (EE))
Field Emission
- Chris Moore
Field Emission
- Marek Jacewicz (Uppsala University (SE))
Field Emission
- Andreas Kyritsakis
There has been extensive research on optically modulated and optically pulsed tip electron sources for new high field physics in the ultrafast laser community [1], electron microscopy [2] and ultrafast electron diffraction [3]. This is mostly the excitation of metallic tips or surfaces for which the quantum efficiency is extremely low eg. 10-3-10-4. This means that the high current emission...
A mathematical model of the electrode surface morphology was proposed and
constructed, considering submicron irregularities on its surface. It is shown that the
theoretical decrease in the field electron emission current density with an increase
in the electron yield work from the metal does not agree well with the breakdown
field experiments for different materials. It is shown that the...
Cold electron emission and vacuum breakdown are gaining popularity due to their significance in applications such as electron sources for mobile 3D medical imaging [1] and high-gradient particle accelerators [2]. The robust development of such devices is hindered by the lack of both effective computational models to engineer and optimise them through simulation and tools for the processing and...
In this work, we introduce a new technique which improves emittance of the carbon nanotube fiber field emission cathode (CNT fiber FEC) many-fold. CNT fibers remain of high interest for next generation electron source research and development as they have low turn-on voltage, high conductivity, durability, and flexibility. However, control over its emission properties is a challenge. Our...
The work presented here shows evidence of the diversions from classical Fowler Nordheim in the RF regime. At high gradients in excess of 100 MV/m, it was shown that the field emitter cathode (FECs) made from ultra-nanocrystalline diamond (UNCD) follows a two-dimensional space charge dominated regime. Field emission dynamics now must be considered in a 2D regime, combining the 1D longitudinal...
Metallic surfaces under an intense electric field tend to form nanoprotusions leading to very localized electron field emission and eventually a current runaway and the destruction of the emitter. The sharply pointed geometry of the protrusions strongly enhances the applied field over the topmost atoms which then permits all of the field emission to often come from only few atoms. This...
The physical nature of the high-voltage breakdown in vacuum that can occur in particle accelerators, particularly in the CLIC (Compact LInear Collider, CERN), is quite complex and, despite numerous studies, a complete theory of the process does not yet exist.
The emission of electrons from the cathode surface is usually local, due to the existence of tips on the surface. Increasing the...
With the rapid miniaturization and integration of electronic and electromechanical devices, especially for vacuum micro/nano electronic devices, it is urgent to study the influence of electrode surface condition on the field emission behaviors at nanoscale and explore its underlying principle. In this paper, the influence of surface carbon layer on field emission of tungsten nanotip was...
The tip-sample bias of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) is modulated by coupling THz pulses to the tip in order to get high transient tunneling current. This non-linear tunneling current and its parametric dependence need to be studied thoroughly to achieve efficient imaging of the sample surface. In this theoretical study, we investigate the basic scaling of rectified electrons in a...
The Switch-On effect of the current emission is known since long time. This effect is usually attributed to the existence of a Switch-On Voltage, after which the electrodes in the vacuum switch from a non-conductive to a conductive condition. Once reached the Switch-On Voltage the changes in the electrodes are permanent and the electric current can be measured even at lower voltages. In our...
This presentation forms part of my efforts to modernise the theories of field ion and electron emission and to encourage more consistent use of basic theory as between different groups of users. It primarily concerns the correction factor “v_F” that appears in the Murphy-Good (MG) theory of field electron emission (FE), which is based on the planar-image-rounded “Schottky-Nordheim” (SN)...