2022 CERN openlab Technical Workshop

from Monday 21 March 2022 (12:00) to Wednesday 23 March 2022 (18:00)
CERN (Zoom)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Mar 2022
22 Mar 2022
23 Mar 2022
13:30 Welcome and workshop goals - Maria Girone (CERN)   (Zoom)
13:35 Welcome address by Enrica Porcari, Head of CERN IT Department - Enrica Maria Porcari (CERN)   (Zoom)
13:40 Setting the scene: CERN openlab Strategy 2021-2023 - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)   (Zoom)
Exascale technologies: Heterogeneous Architectures Adoption, Unified Programming Models and Benchmarking - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 15:50) (Zoom)
13:50 Introduction to Exascale - Maria Girone (CERN)   (Zoom)
14:00 The Allen project - Vladimir Gligorov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Niko Neufeld (CERN)   (Zoom)
14:10 The Patatrack project - Wahid Redjeb (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Zoom)
14:20 Exploring heterogeneous architectures in ATLAS - Attila Krasznahorkay (CERN)   (Zoom)
14:30 --- Q&A/break ---
14:40 Accelerating Madgraph with OneAPI - Laurence Field (CERN)   (Zoom)
14:50 Heterogeneous Architectures Testbed at CERN - Joaquim Santos (CERN) Luca Atzori (CERN) Krzysztof Michal Mastyna (CERN)   (Zoom)
15:00 Benchmarking on HPC - David Southwick (CERN)   (Zoom)
15:10 --- Q&A/break ---
15:20 Panel: The challenges of adopting heterogeneous architectures in HEP (Panelists: James Reinders - Intel, Tom Gibbs - NVIDIA, Andrea Bocci , Attila Krasznahorkay, Vladimir Gligorov, Stephan Hageboeck)   (Zoom)
Exascale technologies: Advanced data and storage solutions - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 16:50) (Zoom)
15:50 Mapping ROOT RNTuple I/O data structures to DAOS objects - Javier Lopez Gomez (CERN)   (Zoom)
16:00 NextGen Archiver for WinCC OA-based SCADA systems at CERN - Antonin Kveton (Charles University (CZ))   (Zoom)
16:10 Update on EOS productisation - Comtrade 360's EOS Windows Native Client - Gregor Molan (Comtrade 360's AI Lab) Luca Mascetti (CERN)   (Zoom)
16:20 --- Q&A/break ---
16:30 Oracle Cloud: Taking advantage of Hybrid Cloud - Antonio Nappi (CERN)   (Zoom)
16:40 ML model registry in the cloud - Dr Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN)   (Zoom)
Exascale technologies: Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing - Maria Girone (CERN) (until 18:00) (Zoom)
16:50 Hyperparameter Optimization using HPC systems in CoE RAISE - Eric Wulff (CERN)   (Zoom)
17:00 ML Inference in the CMS L1 trigger using Micron Deep Learning Accelerator - Thomas Owen James (CERN)   (Zoom)
17:10 Deep Learning with Micron FPGAs on protoDune - Miroslav Kubu (CERN)   (Zoom)
17:20 --- Q&A/break ---
17:30 Panel: Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing (Panelists: Walter Riviera - Intel, Aliasger Zaidy - Micron, Tom Gibbs -NVIDIA, Eric Aquaronne - IBM, Gregor Molan - Comtrade 360)   (Zoom)
Artificial Intelligence for Science - Maria Girone (CERN) Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN) (until 15:00) (Zoom)
13:30 Introduction of AI for Science - Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN)   (Zoom)
13:40 Deep Learning based reconstruction for Dune - Marco Rossi (CERN)   (Zoom)
13:50 Generative Models for fast simulation - Kristina Jaruskova (CERN)   (Zoom)
14:00 Advanced training strategies for GANs - Renato Paulo Da Costa Cardoso (Universidade de Lisboa (PT))   (Zoom)
14:10 --- Q&A/break ---
14:20 Panel: Artificial Intelligence for Science   (Zoom)
Multi-Science Collaborations - Fons Rademakers (CERN) Alberto Di Meglio (CERN) (until 17:30) (Zoom)
15:00 Introduction to collaborating on multi-sciences - Fons Rademakers (CERN)   (Zoom)
15:10 Working with CERN Knowledge Transfer - Sample of cases and projects - Nick Ziogas (CERN)   (Zoom)
15:20 The BioDynaMo project - Tobias Duswald (Technische Universitat Munchen (DE))   (Zoom)
15:30 CERN Science for open data - CS4OD project - Anna Ferrari (CERN)   (Zoom)
15:40 Roche project - Nicola Serra (University of Zurich (CH))   (Zoom)
15:50 --- Q&A/break ---
16:00 Building Damage Assessment at UNOSAT - Dr Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN)   (Zoom)
16:10 AtmoRep: Large scale representation learning for atmospheric dynamics - Christian Lessig (University of Magdeburg)   (Zoom)
16:20 Quantum CNN for multi-class classification - Su Yeon Chang (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Zoom)
16:30 Post-Quantum Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis Pipelines - Jose Cabrero Holgueras (University Carlos III (ES)) Gabriele Morello (Politecnico di Torino (IT))   (Zoom)
16:40 --- Q&A/break ---
16:50 Panel: Importance and sustainability of multi-science projects - Dr Roman Bauer (Univ Surrey) Prof. Frank Pijpers (CBS / UvA) Dr Fons Rademakers (CERN)   (Zoom)
Projects deep-dive session (until 19:00) (Zoom)
17:30 CS4OD deep dive session - Ivan Knezevic (SEEIIST Association (CH)) Benedetta Pongiglione (Bocconi University ) Alexandros Ioannidis (CERN) Anna Ferrari (CERN)   (Zoom)
17:30 Micron deep dive session - Emilio Meschi (CERN) Thomas Owen James (CERN)   (Zoom)
Quantum Technology Initiative - Computing and Communications - Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN) Alberto Di Meglio (CERN) (until 16:10) (Zoom)
13:30 Introduction to the Quantum Technology Initiative - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)   (Zoom)
13:40 Gradient of cost function for general ansatz in variational quantum algorithms - Lento Nagano (University of Tokyo (JP))   (Zoom)
13:50 Physics searches with quantum classifiers and anomaly detection at the LHC - Vasilis Belis (ETH Zurich (CH))   (Zoom)
14:00 Quantum Reinforcement Learning for Beam Steering - Michael Schenk (CERN)   (Zoom)
14:10 --- Q&A/break ---
14:20 Quantum Simulation of neutrino-nuclei scattering - Oriel Orphee Moira Kiss (Universite de Geneve (CH))   (Zoom)
14:30 Quantum GAN - Florian Rehm (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Zoom)
14:40 Quantum kernels studies - Francesco Di Marcantonio (CERN Openlab)   (Zoom)
14:50 Quantum self-attention mechanism - Dominic Pasquali (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   (Zoom)
15:00 QML: Connecting the dots - Michele Grossi (CERN)   (Zoom)
15:20 --- Q&A/break ---
15:30 Panel: QC for HEP: Challenges and opportunities. Panelists: Stefano Carrazza (U. Milano), Elias Combarro (U. Oviedo) , Donatella Lucchesi (U. Padova), Ivano Tavernelli (IBM)   (Zoom)
16:10 Closing   (Zoom)