Third HEP Graduate Workshop



University of Batna 1, Algeria.
Essma REDOUANE SALAH (University of M'sila Algeria), Rachik SOUALAH (University of Sharjah (AE)), Yazid DELENDA



The High-Energy-Physics Graduate Workshop is a series of annual workshops organized by Algerian universities for HEP graduate students as well as researchers. Its third version for this year is hosted by the University of Batna 1, and will be held between 24-26 May 2022. Previous versions of the workshop were held in M’sila University (2020 and 2021).

The 2022 workshop covers a wide range of topics in High Energy Physics with emphasis on collider physics that can be explored at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the expected future colliders such as HL-LHC, FCC (ee,eh,hh) and ILC (ee).

The workshop is organized in the form of a set of specialized lectures as well as hands-on session on HEP tools. The topics covered in the lectures include: Particle Physics, Detector Physics, QCD and jet substructure, top-quark physics, Dark Matter searches, BSM searches at colliders, Physics Modelling, and Machine Learning techniques in HEP. The physics modelling lectures will include a general overview about Monte Carlo event generators and physics analysis training.

A quiz will be organized  throughout the workshop and a prize will be awarded to the participant scoring the highest point.

Due to Covid19 restrictions, the HGW2022 will be held online via zoom platform. To join the workshop see the section: ZOOM connection on the left side. The lectures will be recorded and posted after each session. Note that participants will not be giving talks or presenting posters. 


Registration Deadline: 15 May 2022


  • John Ellis (King's College London, UK and CERN)
  • Daniela Bortoletto (Oxford University, UK)
  • Katharine Leney (SMU Dallas, USA)
  • Michele Pinamonti (INFN, Trieste, Italy)
  • Benjamin Nachman (LBNL, USA)
  • Giancarlo Panizzo (Udine, Italy)
  • Tobias Golling (Geneva University, Switzerland)
  • Caterina Doglioni (Lund University, Sweden)

Scientific Committee

  • John Ellis (King's College London, UK, and CERN)
  • Andreas Hoecker (CERN)
  • Rachik Soualah (University of Sharjah, UAE, and ICTP)
  • Yazid Delenda (University of Batna 1, Algeria)
  • Essma Redouane-Salah, (University of M’sila, Algeria)
  • Salah Nasri (UAE University, UAE)
  • Amine Ahriche (University of Sharjah, UAE)

Workshop Chairs

  • Rachik Soualah (University of Sharjah)
  • Essma Redouane-Salah, (University of M’sila)
  • Yazid Delenda (University of Batna 1)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Abdeslam Dif (Chair, Rector of University of Batna 1)
  • Yazid Delenda (Chair, University of Batna 1)
  • Amine Ahriche (University of Sharjah, UAE)
  • Mostafa Moumni  (University of Batna 1)
  • Reda Masmoudi (University of Batna 1)
  • Mekki Aouachria (University of Batna 1)
  • Kamel Khelifa-Kerfa (University of Relizane)
  • Safa Gaid ( University of Batna 1)

