Semivisible Jets Workshop
ETH Honggerberg
There are a variety of interesting theoretical models that predict the signature known as Semivisible Jets. These are jets of hidden particles of which only a fraction decay visibly. Many of these models provide an elegant solution to open questions concerning the origin of dark matter and/or the problem of the apparent unnaturalness of the Standard Model. Due to the challenges of their experimental signatures, these classes of models are underdeveloped and poorly explored. Recent developments in reconstruction and identification techniques made it possible to probe such models at the Large Hadron Collider experiments.
This Workshop intends to foster the collaboration of the experimental and theory communities to establish a set of realistic benchmark models that will drive future search strategies. Theorists and experimentalists will work together in the period leading to the Workshop to focus on potentially interesting models. The outcome of these feasibility studies will inform and guide the workshop discussion. The Workshop will also feature talks from experts in Monte Carlo generators, QCD-related jet variables, and machine learning tools.
The outcome of the workshop studies and discussions will be summarised in a white paper.
The Workshop will be in hybrid mode: at the Hönggerberg campus of ETH Zürich and online via zoom:
Mattermost team: SVJCommunity
Invited talks
- Kathryn Zurek: "Theory of Hidden Sector Dark Matter"
- Huegues Beauchesne : "Phenomenology of Hidden Sector Dark Matter"
- Torbjorn Sjostrand: "Hidden Valleys in Phythia"
- Simon Plaetzer: "Hidden Valleys in Herwig"
- Suchita Kulkarni: "Dark Showers - Snowmass paper"
- Thea Aarrestad: "Machine Learning Applications: an experimental perspective"
- Barry Dillon: "Machine Learning Applications: a theoretical perspective"
- Kevin Pedro: "Semivisible Jets at CMS"
- Sukanya Sinha: "Semivisible Jets at ATLAS"
- Frederic Dryer: "Jet Substructure Overview"
- Alejandro Gomez Espinoza: "Jets at CMS"
- Matt Le Blanc: "Jets at ATLAS"
The Swiss National Science Foundation kindly supports the event.
Adrian Carmona Bermudez
Alejandro Gomez Espinosa
Alexander Grohsjean
Alison Elliot
Aman Desai
Ammar Ellaboudy
Ana Peixoto
Annapaola de Cosa
Aran Garcia-Bellido
Barry Dillon
Benedikt Maier
Bingxuan Liu
Cari Cesarotti
Caterina Doglioni
Cesare Tiziano Cazzaniga
Christiane Scherb
Christopher Madrid
Cristiano Alpigiani
Deepak Kar
Dilia Maria Portillo Quintero
Elena Busch
Elias Bernreuther
Ennio Salvioni
Fatemeh Elahi
Florian Eble
Giovanni Grilli di Cortona
Giuliano Gustavino
Gordon Watts
Gourab Saha
Guillaume Lucas Albouy
Henry Lubatti
Hsin-Chia Cheng
Hugues Beauchesne
Jeremi Niedziela
Kathryn Zurek
Kevin Pedro
Ki Ryeong Park
Lingfeng Li
Long Wang
Marcella Bona
Marie-Helene Genest
Matt LeBlanc
Matthew Strassler
Maël Chantreau
Nathan Lalloue
Nishita Desai
Nukulsinh Parmar
Roberto Seidita
Simon Plätzer
Suchita Kulkarni
Sukanya Sinha
Thea Aarrestad
Thomas Klijnsma
Tobias Fitschen
Torbjörn Sjöstrand
Yi-Mu Chen