Please note the registration to attend the I.FAST Annual Meeting and IFAST Industrial workshop in person is closed. If you would like to attend online you can still register. If you have a specific question, please contact
The I.FAST (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) Innovation Pilot project for the Particle Accelerator community is organising its first Annual Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, hosted by CERN. The project as well as the activities and recent results of the different Work packages will be presented.
Visit 1: 1: synchrocyclotron, CLEAR, ATLAS visitors' centre, or 2. SM18, ATLAS Visitors' centre
Objectives of the workshop:
- to raise awareness about advantages of AM in the accelerator community, covering both research infrastructures and societal applications;
- to improve knowledge about the potential of AM applications to particle accelerators;
- to discuss the AM technological aspects, innovative materials as well as new design approaches for complex parts and assemblies.
Objectives of the workshop:
- to raise awareness about advantages of AM in the accelerator community, covering both research infrastructures and societal applications;
- to improve knowledge about the potential of AM applications to particle accelerators;
- to discuss the AM technological aspects, innovative materials as well as new design approaches for complex parts and assemblies.
AM is evolving rapidly forming an integral part of advanced industries technological portfolio, while uptake of this beneficial and money-saving technology by the accelerator community is progressing slowly because of traditionalism, lack of knowledge, and scepticism on compliance with the stringent accelerator requirements.