Zimányi 2010 Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics

2nd floor, Tanácsterem (MTA KFKI RMKI, Building III)

2nd floor, Tanácsterem


H-1121 Budapest XII, Konkoly-Thege M. u 29-33 Hungary
Tamás Csörgő (MTA KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)
This School aims to summarize some of the developments of 2010 in high energy heavy ion physics, with particular attention to the new data emerging from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the first physics results from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We are looking forward to the continuation of this series and hope to welcome our colleagues and friends in Hungary soon. We plan to discuss the status of the seven LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, LHCf MoEDAL and TOTEM), and the first results from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan program to locate the QCD Critical Point. We are also looking forward to learn the first physics if possible from the LHC heavy ion program. We pay attention also recent developments at the Hadron Facility in the J-PARC Complex in Japan and plan to discuss also the similarities between the perfect fluid of quarks and gluons, known also as Quark Gluon Plasma at RHIC, and the physics of ultra-cold atoms. The highlight of this meeting will be on the Beam Energy Scan Program of the RHIC accelerator at BNL, and the start of the experimental search for the QCD critical point. This talk will be presented by Jefferey T. Mitchell. This talk is also announced as an Ortvay Colloqium at the ELTE University. The talk of professor T. Kunihiro from Kyoto University on Chiral Anomaly in QCD and Related Topics will also one of the focal points of the School. The SU(3) symmetry of strong interactions is also realized in ultra-cold Fermi gases. This topic will be covered by professor Selim Jochim from Heidelberg University. Another focal point will be the talk of professor Naohito Saito from KEK, who will report on the status of the Hadron Facility at J-PARC, Japan. At the end of the School, Peter Levai will summarize, what has been obtained from the first Pb +Pb collisions in the CERN LHC experiment ALICE. As part of the traditions of the Zimányi Winter Schools, we discuss in detail recent results and advances on femtoscopy including correlations and fluctuations in high energy particle and heavy ion physics. This year we shall in particular cover the new pion and kaon imaging data from the STAR Collaboration at RHIC and also the ridge effect reported by CMS in p+p collisions and its similarities and differences from similar observations in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. Please find below the final program of the meeting and the links to the presentations. The main web page of this meeting is archived at http://zimanyischool.kfki.hu/10/ . The next Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics will be held in Budapest, Hungary, starting on November 28 Monday, 2011. More details will be given at the web page http://zimanyischool.kfki.hu/11/ . Looking forward to the continuation of this series and hope to welcome our colleagues and friends in Hungary soon.