26–30 Aug 2024
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Physics Education: Approaches from ICPE-IUPAP C14 Community

27 Aug 2024, 11:30
1h 30m
Medium Lecture Hall B

Medium Lecture Hall B

Symposium Physics for Environment and Social issues Symposium


Jenaro Guisasola


The physics outreach and teaching activities undertaken by members of the International Commission of Physics Education (ICPE- IUPAP C14) involve a wide range of perspectives, populations and methods. A unifying theme is that the problems investigated by ICPE arise from the teaching and learning of physics, including its concepts, principles, epistemology and culture. In this Symposium, the activities of physics teacher education and the dissemination of effective approaches to teaching physics provide a context for illustrating the kind of activities ICPE engages in.

How would you like to present your contribution? Live in Kraków (time slot to be allotted based on the programme)
Target education level General
Category Formal Education


Jenaro Guisasola


Angela Fösel ((2) Physics Department. Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Germany) Eilish MCLOUGHLIN ((3) School of Physical Sciences & CASTel. Dublin City University. Ireland) Elizabeth Angstmann Dr Manjula D. SHARMA (School of Physics, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2006) Dr Tetyana ANTIMIROVA (Department of Physics. Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada)

Presentation materials