26–30 Aug 2024
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone


Room Equipment

Every room is equipped with one computer, one projector, and one screen. WiFi is available in all rooms and the hall.


Each keynote is organized in Large Aula A with streaming for online participants. 

Questions can be asked orally (live participants) and in the chat (remote participants).

Links to the keynote streaming will be sent to all remote participants by e-mail.

Discussion workshops

The discussion workshops are organized five times during the conference. Each lasts 90 minutes. In July, a call for contributions was sent to all registered delegates. The discussion workshop organizers collect contributions directly from delegates who register for them. Other delegates can participate as the audience.


All rooms have a computer or laptop. Microsoft Windows 11, MS Office 2021 Professional Plus, and the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader are available. 

The speakers are encouraged to upload their presentations to their contributions (after logging in to the Indico system), from where the presentations will be downloaded to the computers in the relevant rooms. The use of own computers is disfavored, however possible. In such a case, all presentations of the discussion workshop should be uploaded to one presenter's laptop. The venue offers all standard cable switches.

For slides created in MS PowerPoint, the computers will enable the presenter mode (slides on the wall screen, slides+notes on the computer screen in front of the presenter).


One discussion workshop (on Wednesday) is organized in a hybrid mode to enable the participation of remote delegates. Live participants are also welcome. The workshop is marked as HYBRID. In this session, questions can be asked orally (live participants) and in the chat (remote participants). 

The link to the online session will be sent to all remote participants by e-mail a day before the conference.


Each workshop lasts 90 minutes. The organization of the workshop is totally upon the submitter. Most of the workshops are proposed as practical activities.


All rooms have a computer or laptop. Microsoft Windows 11, MS Office 2021 Professional Plus, and the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader are available. 

The speakers are encouraged to upload their presentations to their contributions (after logging in to the Indico system), from where the presentations will be downloaded to the computers in the relevant rooms. The use of own computers is disfavored, however possible. In such a case, all presentations of the workshop should be uploaded to one presenter's laptop. The venue offers all standard cable switches.

For slides created in MS PowerPoint, the computers will enable the presenter mode (slides on the wall screen, slides+notes on the computer screen in front of the presenter).


One workshop is organized in a hybrid mode (on Tuesday) to enable the participation of remote delegates. Live participants are also welcome. The workshop is marked as HYBRID. In this session, questions can be asked orally (live participants) and in the chat (remote participants). 

The link to the online session will be sent to all remote participants by e-mail a day before the conference.


Each symposium lasts 90 minutes and includes a short introduction by the organizer, four oral presentations (4 x 15 minutes), a discussion, and a summary by a discussant. 


All rooms have a computer or laptop. Microsoft Windows 11, MS Office 2021 Professional Plus, and the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader are available.  

The speakers are encouraged to upload their presentations to their contributions (after logging in to the Indico system), from where the presentations will be downloaded to the computers in the relevant rooms. The use of own computers is disfavored, however possible. In such cases, all presentations of a particular symposium should be uploaded to one presenter's laptop. The venue offers all standard cable switches.

For slides created in MS PowerPoint, the computers will enable the presenter mode (slides on the wall screen, slides+notes on the computer screen in front of the presenter).


Only one symposium (on Friday) is organized in a hybrid mode to enable the participation of remote delegates. Live participants are also welcome. The symposium is marked as HYBRID. In this session, questions can be asked orally (live participants) and in the chat (remote participants). 

The link to the online session will be sent to all remote participants by e-mail day before the conference.

Oral Presentations 

Each oral presentation lasts  20 minutes, which is 15 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of Q&A asked immediately after the presentation.


All rooms have a computer or laptop. Microsoft Windows 11, MS Office 2021 Professional Plus, and the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader are available.  

The speakers are encouraged to upload their presentations to their contributions (after logging in to the Indico system), from where the presentations will be downloaded to the computers in the relevant rooms. The use of own computers is disfavored, however possible (requires checking in advance). The venue offers all standard cable switches.

For slides created in MS PowerPoint, the computers will enable the presenter mode (slides on the wall screen, slides+notes on the computer screen in front of the presenter).


In most of the time slots, one hybrid session is organized to enable the participation of remote delegates. Live participants are also welcome. Such sessions are marked as HYBRID. In these sessions, questions can be asked orally (live participants) and in the chat (remote participants).

Links to the online sessions will be sent to all remote participants by e-mail one day before the conference.

Poster Presentations 

Each presenter should accompany its presenter during the entire 90-minute poster session relevant to the contribution. Poster format (portrait): A0 (841 x 1189 mm) or smaller (not smaller than A1). We do not provide any template for the poster. The poster presenters can freely use the conference logo. The posters will be assembled on the poster walls with two-sided tape or blu-tack provided by the organizers.

The poster contributions are divided on the grounds of the targets into two groups:  (1) Early Science & Secondary Level (on Wednesday), and (2) University & General (on Thursday).


(1) Early Science & Secondary Level posters should be hung on Tuesday evening and taken off on Wednesday (during or after lunch).

(2) University & General posters should be hung on Thursday morning and taken off on Friday (during or after lunch).


Hybrid posters should be sent as a .PDF file (in A0 or A1 format) to 4wcpe@uj.edu.pl by the 19th of August at the latest. They will be printed by the 4. WCPE organizers and hung in a "hybrid corner" with a laptop available and the ZOOM online poster session on. The authors should be present during the entire 90-minute session for the discussion with online and live participants. 

Online presenters should be ready with their .PDF posters to present them to the  online participants on request. Breakout rooms will be set up for each online poster presenter. Most of the time the presenters will be present in the main room for the intaraction with live participants and sometimes in breakout rooms - for the interaction with online participants.

(1) Early Science & Secondary Level posters on Wednesday

(2) University & General posters on Thursday

Links to the online sessions will be sent to all remote participants by e-mail a day before the conference.