26–30 Aug 2024
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone

PROCEEDINGS: Information


  • Proceedings of the 4th WCPE conference will be published in IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). JPCS is indexed in Scopus, as well as EI Compendex and Inspec. IOP Conference Series is not covered by Science Citation Index (proceedings journals are not indexed in SCI, they are indexed within a separate database, the CPC-I); this means that JPCS is not issued with an Impact Factor.
  • Between 10% and 20% of the best papers will be selected for chapters in the Springer book series Challenges in Physics Education

Eligible papers and sizes

  • The paper must be based on a presented contribution at the conference. Accepted contributions that have not been presented are not eligible.
  • All contribution types (presented live or remotely) are eligible
    • Plenary talks (to be determined)
    • Joint symposia papers (up to 14 pages)
    • Oral presentations (up to 10 pages)
    • Individual symposia contributions (up to 10 pages
    • Poster presentations (up to 8 pages)
    • Workshops (up to 10 pages)
  • References are included in page limits.
  • For symposia, the symposium organizer, after consulting the participants, decides whether the submission will be joint or individual. It cannot be both.


  • We only accept PDF format
  • Formatting follows the IOP JPCS guidelines. Below are Word and LaTeX templates from which the PDF can be created.
  • The editors cannot take up the burden of formatting the paper. It is the responsibility of the authors to adhere to the format. The paper may be returned to the authors if the format is not followed.
  • If a paper is selected for the Springer book based on reviewers' recommendations and editors' assessments, the authors will be requested to reformat the article according to the book's formatting guidelines, which will be given later.

Important dates

  • Paper submission deadline: 31st December 2024 31st January 2025
  • First reviewers' feedback by: To be announced
  • End of review process: To be announced.

Peer review process

  • All papers will undergo a peer review process.
  • All authors who submit a paper consent to being contacted as potential reviewers. Contacted persons may still refuse, but please remember that the proceedings' quality depends on the number of people who accept to review the submitted papers. 
  • Reviewers will be asked to indicate whether they consider a paper in the top 10% - 20% and should be selected for publication in the Springer book.


  • Submissions are now open on the Indico website. 
  • To submit your paper, you need to sign in to the Indico website with the email you used to register for the conference and then select which contribution your proceedings paper is based on.

Intellectual property rights

  • All submitted material must be original. Note that in case of having published any part of the material (figures, tables...) with a publisher (journal, book), the copyright has likely been transferred to the publisher, and the author requires permission from the said publisher to reuse the material.
  • Papers in IOP JPCS will be published under a license available to read here: https://publishingsupport.iopscience.iop.org/questions/iop-proceedings-licence/.
  • Note that upon acceptance for publication, all authors and co-authors may be asked to sign appropriate statements concerning the intellectual rights and the transfer of some of them to the publisher, as required by the publisher.
  • Editors and publishers cannot take responsibility if authors infringe on intellectual property rights.