26–30 Aug 2024
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Teaching Thinking-Back-and-Forth in Practical Work: an Educational Design Study in Secondary Education

26 Aug 2024, 13:20
Medium Lecture Hall B

Medium Lecture Hall B

Oral presentations Experiments and Practical Work in Physics Education Oral presentations


Wouter Spaan


Practical work provides the opportunity for students to make a connection between hands-on activities and minds-on concepts. In this study, lesson design principles were investigated for stimulating Thinking-Back-and-Forth (TBF) between hands-on and minds-on aspects. Nine practical lessons intended to stimulate minds-on learning experiences were designed. These lessons contained an assignment and guidance aimed at stimulating TBF and mitigation of the cognitive load of hands-on aspects. Student learner reports were evaluated for reported minds-on learning, and the lessons were video-recorded. Results show that the design principles stimulate minds-on learning. Therefore, educational practice can benefit from using the design principles described.

How would you like to present your contribution? Live in Kraków (time slot to be allotted based on the programme)
Target education level Secondary
Category Formal Education


Wouter Spaan


Dr Jaap Schuitema Dr Monique Pijls Prof. Ron Oostdam

Presentation materials