26–30 Aug 2024
Jagiellonian University, Auditorium Maximum, Kraków
Europe/Warsaw timezone

IMPRESSions of the Invisible: New Approaches in Modern Physics Education

30 Aug 2024, 09:30
1h 30m
Jagiellonian University, Auditorium Maximum, Kraków

Jagiellonian University, Auditorium Maximum, Kraków

ul. Krupnicza 33, Krakow, Poland
Symposium Teaching and Learning Physics Concepts Symposium


Magdalena Kersting


This symposium, organised by the International Modern Physics & Research in Education Seminar Series (IMPRESS), addresses the intangible and abstract nature of modern physics concepts. Four contributions explore innovative approaches for conceptualising topics of relativity, quantum physics, and astrophysics across primary to tertiary education. Contributions include physical analogies for exoplanets, a simulation-based environment for special relativity, expert strategies for understanding spatiotemporal scales, and a spiral curriculum introducing modern physics to primary school students. These diverse approaches are united by their potential to make intangible phenomena comprehensible for students and embody IMPRESS’s mission to enhance the impact of modern physics education.

How would you like to present your contribution? Live in Kraków (time slot to be allotted based on the programme)
Target education level General
Category Formal Education

Primary authors

Magdalena Kersting Julia Woithe (CERN)


Oriel Marshall Paul Alstein Urban Eriksson Tejinder Kaur

Presentation materials