26–30 Aug 2024
Auditorium Maximum UJ
Europe/Warsaw timezone

How experienced faculty change their teaching practices to fit into reformed courses

26 Aug 2024, 17:10
Exhibition Room A

Exhibition Room A

Oral presentations Physics Teacher Education and Professional Learning Oral presentations


Andreja Šarlah


The University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics is reforming its Applied Physics study program following the Investigative Science Learning Environment methodology. The reformed courses are conducted by teachers who did not have previous experience in teaching reformed courses. They were prepared for the task by receiving a short training in ISLE methodology and by continuous professional development practices during the semester. We report what aspects of teaching through the ISLE approach turned out to be most challenging to develop, what factors seemed to affect these difficulties, and what training practices were recognized as most helpful.

How would you like to present your contribution? Live in Kraków (time slot to be allotted based on the programme)
Target education level University
Category Formal Education

Primary author

Andreja Šarlah


Aleš Mohorič Gorazd Planinsic (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana)

Presentation materials