29 May 2023 to 2 June 2023
IP2I - Lyon University
Europe/Zurich timezone

On the contribution of the electromagnetic dipole operator to the $\bar B_s \to \mu^+\mu^-$ decay amplitude

30 May 2023, 15:30
Amphitheatre Dirac (Lyon University - IP2I)

Amphitheatre Dirac

Lyon University - IP2I

Parallel talks Parallel Talks


Nicolas Seitz (Siegen University)


We report on the construction of a factorization theorem that allows to
systematically include QCD corrections to the contribution of the
electromagnetic dipole operator O7 to the $\bar B_s \to \mu^+\mu^-$
decay amplitude. We elaborate on how the occurring endpoint divergences
appearing in individual momentum regions cancel, and show how the
resulting rapidity logarithms can be isolated by suitable subtractions
applied to the corresponding bare factorization theorem. This allows to
include in a straightforward manner the QCD corrections arising from the
renormalization-group running of the hard matching coefficient, the
hard-collinear scattering kernel, and the $B_s$-meson distribution
amplitude. We estimate the effect numerically using a recently advocated
parameterization of the $B_s$-meson light-cone distribution amplitude.


Nicolas Seitz (Siegen University)

Presentation materials