EPICS Collaboration Meeting September 2022

from Monday 19 September 2022 (09:00) to Friday 23 September 2022 (17:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Sept 2022
20 Sept 2022
21 Sept 2022
22 Sept 2022
23 Sept 2022
09:00 --- Morning Coffee Break ---
Workshop Timing - Jukka Pietarinen (Micro-Research Finland Oy) (until 11:30) (rooms 211&212)
11:30 --- Lunch break ---
08:15 --- Badging ---
Special - Mark Plesko (Cosylab) (until 09:15) (Kolokvij room)
Wednesday Morning session (until 10:30) (Kolokvij lecture room)
09:15 Status of the SNS Control System - Karen White (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
09:40 EPICS Deployment at Fermilab - Pierrick Hanlet   (Kolokvij lecture room)
10:05 Transition to EPICS at the ISIS Accelerators - Ivan Finch   (Kolokvij lecture room)
10:30 --- Morning Coffee Break ---
Wednesday midday session (until 12:30) (Kolokvij lecture room)
11:00 Status of ITER - Anders Wallander (ITER Organization)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
11:25 Status Report - CHIMERA Fusion Energy project - Mr Ian Gillingham (Observatory Sciences Ltd)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
11:50 Diamond Control Systems Status and plans for the Diamond-II upgrade - Ulrik Pedersen   (Kolokvij lecture room)
12:10 ITER Operation Applications: Status and Future Development - Robert Gunion   (Kolokvij lecture room)
Thursday morning session (until 10:45) (Kolokvij lecture room)
09:00 EPICS Core Developments & Plans - Ralph Lange (ITER Organization)   ()
09:35 Study on EPICS Communication over Long Distance - Leonid Lobes (Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin av. 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia)   ()
10:00 White Rabbit at SuperKEKB - Hiroshi Kaji   (Kolokvij lecture room)
10:25 Autoparam, a generic asyn port driver with dynamic parameters - Jure Varlec (Cosylab)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
10:45 --- Morning Coffee Break ---
Thursday Midday session (until 12:45) (Kolokvij lecture room)
11:15 EPICS Module for Beckhoff ADS Protocol - Jernej Varlec   (Kolokvij lecture room)
11:40 PyDevice - new features and updates - Klemen Vodopivec (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
12:05 Using document templates to structure inputs and autogenerate database - Tilen Zagar   (Kolokvij lecture room)
12:25 EPICS (pvAccess) Transport Layer for the ITER Real-Time Framework (RTF) - Anže Žagar (ITER Organization)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
Lightning talks (until 10:30) (Kolokvij lecture room)
09:00 Startup script for an EPICS Edge server for small laboratory experiments - Patrick Oppermann   (Kolokvij lecture room)
09:10 Design and implementation of Clog 2.0 - Lin Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP))   (Kolokvij lecture room)
09:20 Developments in RTEMS and integration in EPICS 7 - Heinz Junkes (Fritz-Haber-Institut)   ()
09:30 PVEcho: Using PvaPy in the construction of the Vsystem/EPICS Bridge to facilitate the migration of the ISIS accelerators control system - Kathryn Baker   (Kolokvij lecture room)
09:40 Using EPICS to facilitate Machine Learning at ISIS - Kathryn Baker   (Kolokvij lecture room)
09:50 Whatrecord: a Python-based EPICS file format tool - Ken Lauer   (Kolokvij lecture room)
10:00 Report from the "Build and Deployment" Workshop - Ralph Lange (ITER Organization)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
10:10 Timing worshop report - Jukka Pietarinen (Micro-Research Finland Oy)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
10:20 Summary of the Motion Control Workshop - Mr Torsten Bögershausen (European Spallation Source ERIC)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
10:30 --- Morning Coffee Break ---
11:00 Report from EPICS Council - Karen White (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
Special (until 11:25) (Kolokvij room)
14:30 --- Badging and Welcome Coffee ---
Workshop EPICS 7 - Kay Kasemir (until 17:30) (Room 211&212)
Workshop Build and Deployment -Mr Ralph Lange (ITER) (until 14:45) (Room 211&212)
14:45 --- Afternoon Coffee Break ---
Workshop Motion Control - Torsten Bögershausen (European Spallation Source ERIC) (until 17:00) (Room 211&212)
12:30 --- Lunch break ---
Lightning talks (until 15:00) (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:00 Python based EPICS interface with CIP enabled devices - Basil Aljamal   (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:10 OPC UA Device Support - Update - Ralph Lange (ITER Organization)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:20 Current and Future Development of PyDM - Yekta Yazar (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:30 Introducing pyProcServ - Robby Tanner (Canadian Light Source)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:35 Containerized EPICS-based Detector Control System for the mini-Compressed Baryonic Matter(mCBM) experiment - Marcel Bajdel   (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:45 EPICS driver development of HBM MGCPlus DAQ - Jernej Podlipnik (Cosylab)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:50 Temperature Control of Crystal Optics - Kazimierz Gofron (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
15:00 --- Afternoon Coffee Break ---
Wednesday afternoon session (until 17:30) (Kolokvij lecture room)
15:30 TimescaleDB for Archived Data - Kay Kasemir   (Kolokvij lecture room)
16:10 IC@MS with Epics-Tango-Bridge - Mr Mateusz Nabywaniec (S2INNOVATION)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
16:40 TwinCAT - EPICS with motion time stamping - Torsten Bögershausen (European Spallation Source ERIC)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
17:00 ADTimePix3 areaDetector driver - Dr Kazimierz Gofron (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
Special (until 22:00) ()
12:45 --- Lunch break ---
Lightning talks (until 15:10) (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:30 EPICS Deployment at NSLS-II - Anton Derbenev   (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:40 Centralized Deployment of EPICS Systems for Zynq-based Devices - Ji Li (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Kolokvij lecture room)
14:50 Report from the "EPICS 7" Workshop - Kay Kasemir   (Kolokvij lecture room)
15:00 Automated GUI testing with TestFX - Lorenzo Gomez   (Kolokvij lecture room)
Thursday Afternoon session (until 15:30) (Kolokvij hall)
15:10 Upgrading to Phoebus - Kunal Shroff   (Kolokvij hall)
15:30 --- Afternoon Coffee Break ---
Thursday Afternoon session (until 17:50) (Kolokvij hall)
16:00 APS0U Accelerator Control System Update - Shen Guobao (Argonne National Laboratory) Karen White (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)   (Kolokvij hall)
16:20 EPICS tools and services update - Kunal Shroff   (Kolokvij hall)
16:45 Phoebusgen & PV Info - New High Level Control Tools - Tynan Ford (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Kolokvij hall)