We explore the system size dependence of heavy-quark-QGP interaction by studying the HF meson suppression and elliptic flow in four different collisions at the LHC. Within an advanced Langevin-hydrodynamics framework, we provides a reasonable description of the D meson RAA and v2 in Pb-Pb collisions, as well as predictions for both D and B meson observables in other collision systems yet to be measured. We find a clear hierarchy for the heavy meson suppression with respect to the size of the colliding nuclei, while their v2 relies on both the system size and the geometric anisotropy of the QGP. Sizable suppression and flow are predicted for both D and B mesons in O-O collisions, which serve as a crucial bridge of jet quenching between large and small collision systems. Scaling behaviors between different collision systems are shown for the heavy meson RAA, and the bulk eccentricity rescaled heavy meson v2, both as functions of the number of participant nucleons in heavy-ion collisions.
Theory / experiment | Theory |