23–27 Apr 2023
JMS Aster Plaza
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Flow measurements via long-range two-particle correlations in small systems with ALICE

25 Apr 2023, 17:00
Multi-Purpose Studio, 2nd Floor (JMS Aster Plaza)

Multi-Purpose Studio, 2nd Floor

JMS Aster Plaza

Poster QGP in small systems Poster Session


Su-Jeong Ji (Pusan National University (KR))


In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a hot and dense medium called QGP is created. Intriguingly, the collective motion of produced particles, which is thought to be evidence of the formation of strongly interacting QGP, has also been observed in high-multiplicity events of small systems like $pp$ and $p$--Pb collisions. In addition, studying the flow of identified particles with different masses and quark contents may reveal whether collectivity is built on a partonic level. In the ALICE experiment with an excellent capability of particle identification, the study of collectivity in small systems has been conducted via long-range two-particle correlations, and a detailed study of non-flow subtraction has been performed.

In this talk, we will present the recent measurements of anisotropic flow of unidentified and identified hadrons in $pp$ collisions at 13 TeV and $p$--Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with ALICE Run 2 data, and comparison with PYTHIA8 and AMPT models for further discussion.

Theory / experiment Experiment
Group or collaboration name ALICE


Su-Jeong Ji (Pusan National University (KR))

Presentation materials