5–10 Mar 2023
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
Brazil/East timezone

Bulletin One

XVI LISHEP - Workshop on High Energy Physics

Cosmology and Particles

LISHEP was created in 1993  and is organized in four different sessions:
SESSION A – Science on Secondary School 
SESSION B – Advanced School in HEP
SESSION C – Workshop in HEP
SESSION D – HEP Associated Technologies

This year we will have LISHEP session A and session C.

LISHEP 2023 Session C is chaired by Harvey Newman and Alberto Santoro.


The main Topic of LISHEP2023 is COSMOLOGY and PARTICLE. 
Please see the web page for more details: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1181208/

All participants must fill in the registration form available on website.

The options are USD500,00 or CHF500,00 or EUR500,00 for registration fee.
This covers attendance to the workshop, related material, coffe breaks, welcome cocktail and the conference dinner.
This year funding is very tight, so we ask all participants to pay the registration fee.
We asked FAPERJ a partial financial support but we will have the response only in November 2022. The payment of the fees will be done on the desktop of the workshop on the first day on arrival. We thank you all for your collaboration. Those having difficulties to pay the fees, please write to us at lishepoficial@gmail.com stating the reasons.

The registration for session C will be open at October 3rd 2022  and the deadline will be 12 February 2023.  
The Conference will be held from March 6 to 10 of 2023 at UERJ in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. This is just after the carnival which is an important date in Brazil. 
About the weather during the workshop, is recommended to see the sites announced the annual temperatures. 

UERJ- Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro is one of most important universities in Brazil.


Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Campus Maracanã
Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
CEP: 20550-900
E-mail: lishepoficial@gmail.com
Oficial Web Page: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1181208/


We come back to this item soon.


Check with the closest Brazilian embassy or consulate about entry requirements. Depending on the country of origin, your passport may require a valid visa. We can provide an invitation letter in case you need one.
All payment must be done only in the desktop of the organization in your arrival. Local: in the entrance of the workshop.  Even the Workshop Dinner it is necessay to express your interest to go.


Electric power in Rio de Janeiro is mostly 110 Volts/ 60 Hz A.C. but  hotels may provide 220 Volts outlets. 

All LISHEP2023 is organized by the participation of the following committees:



Patricia Mcbride - FNAL - USACarlos Avila – UNIANDES – Colômbia
 Joel Butler - FNAL - USA Sampa Bhadra – York U. – Canadá
Tulika Bose - USAGerardo Herrera – CINVESTAV – México
Carlos Garcia Canal – U.N.La Plata – ArgentinaKajari Mazumdar - TIFR - India
Lia Merminga - FNAL - USAGuido Tonelli – Pisa –CMS - Itália
Yifang Wang -IHEP - ChinaJoão Varela - LIP - Portugal
 Kirsti Aspola – CERNCarlos Flores - Colombia
Luciano Maiani – Roma – ItalyGilles Cohen-Tannoudji - France
Harvey Newman – CALTECH – USAJosé WF VALE - IFIC - Spain




Gilvan Alves – CBPFWagner de Carvalho – UERJ
Dilson de Jesus Damião - UERJLuiz Mundim - UERJ
Helena Malbouisson – UERJVitor Oguri - UERJ
Ignácio Bediaga - CBPFAlberto Santoro – UERJ
Elisa Melo - UERJ Yara Coutinho - UFRJ
José A. Chinellato - UNICAMP 


Eduardo Revoredo – UERJ
Renan Bernardo Valadão – UERJ
Douglas Milanez – UERJ