5–10 Mar 2023
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
Brazil/East timezone

Bulletin Two

Bulletin TWO




The conference poster can be found here



The Workshop timetable for LISHEP2023 is almost complete. We expect by the end of January to present the complete timetable with all talks and speakers. 


Please, from now until the Workshop begins, check the web page for possible minor changes.


                     REGISTRATION AND PARTICIPANTS                                 

If you are not yet registered, please click here for REGISTRATION, as soon as possible. It is very important for our organization to have the most precise number of participants. 

Registration fee covers attendance to the workshop, related material, coffee breaks and the conference dinner, city tour and welcome cocktail.



Attentionthe deadline for registration for session C is 12 February 2023.

LISHEP will be held from March 6th to 10th 2023 at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro hosts many conferences and meetings and welcomes millions of visitors every year. It is a major tourist and business destination with many attractions and cultural events.

UERJ is located in a busy and lively neighbourhood close to the Maracanã Soccer Stadium. There is plenty of transportation (including the subway) that can take you to and from any area of the city.

Tourist Information about Rio may be found at https://visit.rio/  (available in English and in Portuguese).

LISHEP begins about two weeks after the end of Carnival, a very important popular Brazilian event. 


Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524

Rio de Janeiro,  RJ – Brazil

CEP: 20550-900

Tel.: +55 21 2334-0000

Oficial Web Page: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1181208/



There will be no COVID-19 access restriction for attending LISHEP2023. 

Nevertheless, we recommend that you wear a FFP2 mask or a medical mask throughout the event.
We will closely monitor the development of the pandemic situation and regularly update the website with information for the participants.

General information

All current measures and information concerning COVID-19 in Brazil, you will find on the website by AVISA here. ANVISA is the Official Brazilian Institution responsible to inform about government decisions.

Please read here about the rules to be adopted at airports and in airplanes.

Please read below the instructions from ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency):
To reduce the chance of contracting and transmitting Covid-19, even if you are vaccinated, adopt the following measures:

Wear a face mask, covering your nose, mouth, and chin. The mask must be well adjusted to the face, avoiding gaps on the sides. This measure is again mandatory to enter and stay in boarding areas, during the flight and while disembarking.

Keep your distance from other travelers, whenever possible. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. You can also use a 70% alcohol-based sanitizer.

Pay attention to the Covid-19 symptoms:

if you have fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, changes in taste or smell, or shortness of breath, do not travel and seek a health care provider.

Follow the guidelines issued by ANVISA, and the health authorities in your city and state.
To protect yourself and other people, get vaccinated!

For more information, you can visit Anvisa’s website. See also before to travel.



Please do not forget to upload your talk and your abstract (5 lines) in the web page. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at  lishepoficial@gmail.com . Your talk is preferable to be in pptx (Power Point) or PDF. 

For those that are preparing a Poster to be presented in LISHEP2023 we advise you to bring the poster ready to be exposed. Participants willing to present a poster in LISHEP should confirm in the registration form. The size of the poster should be a maximum of 1.2 m height and 1.0 m width. If you already made your registration and you did not fill the poster information, contact us: lishepoficial@gmail.com

The poster sessions will be performed in the main building of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Maracanã, in the area near of the Auditorium 11 during the coffee break. 



We intend to publish the proceedings of Session A. We can open a session in the same volume for speakers/authors from Session C, wishing to publish their talks. If you are interested, please, send us the text in PDF or docx as soon as possible, but no later than May 31. When the proceeding becomes available, a copy will be sent to the author.



The conference dinner will be held on Friday, 10th at 19:30. All participants that paid on arrival the registration fee are invited to the event. The participants that were granted by the Workshop organization are welcome to the conference dinner paying the correspondent value. Same procedure will be applied for the accompanying persons. Please read below the topic about Fees. 



Rio de Janeiro has a wide range of hotels.  For practical reasons, we need to recommend one to be the “Hotel of the Conference”. We suggest for now  The Windsor Leme Hotel.

To make your reservation please go to the site of the Hotel: https://windsorhoteis.com/hotel/windsor-leme/?lang=en


ATTENTION: The hotel has a limited number of suites, for this reason, you will need to make a prior consultation for this specific type of room.

Important notes:
1. Hotel Check in starts at 2:00 p.m. and check out must be made until 12:00 p.m.;
2. The Hotel does not accept payment by bank check;
3. The Hotel accepts Visa or Mastercard.


We are looking for a possible transportation from Hotel to UERJ and from UERJ to Hotel. In the WELCOME BULETIN to be published we intend to give the final orientation about transportation. Probably we will choose one Hotel to be the point to meet. 

In the LISHEP web page you can find an item about “How to get UERJ”. Please consult it. 


Please inform as soon as possible the LISHEP Secretariat the date and time of your arrival and depart, airline, flight number and departure city. It is important for us to be sure that your travel was OK and you are well.

In the airport you can easily find taxis. 



You MAY NEED A VISA to enter in Brazil, depending on your nationality. Please, contact the Brazilian diplomatic representation in your country for more detailed information.



Rio de Janeiro at the time of LISHEP2023 will have habitually a good wheather.  During this period of year, temperatures range from 31 C (88 F) to 38 C (100 F). 



Electrical power in Rio de Janeiro is mostly 127 Volts / 60 cycles, A.C, but some hotels provide 220 Volts outlets. 



Brazilian currency is the Real (R$). The official rate of exchange is available from daily newspapers, hotel cashiers, banks and travel agencies. Cash is easily exchanged at these locations. Many hotels and shops accept foreign currency and Credit Cards. Currently, the dollar to real rate has been around US$ 1.00 ~ R$ 5,10. 



         The price for participation of conference dinner, welcome cocktail and  city tour will be 150 USD or R$750,00. You can register on the secretariat when you arrive at the conference.

The CONFERENCE DINNER will be held in the restaurant Fogo de Chão, from 7:30 PM till 10:30 PM. In the Welcome Bulletin to be published soon, we will provide address and details about how to get to the Restaurant Fogo de Chão. 

The CITY TOUR will be on Saturday 11 March. The bus will leave the meeting point (to be announced) at 9:00 AM. After the City Tour, participants will be taken to the lunch (the cost of lunch is not included and must be paid by each participant.) and then proceed to Galeão Airport for boarding. 

Please wait for a final description since perhaps this is too long.

LISHEP2023 – https://indico.cern.ch/event/1181208/

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Campus do Maracanã

Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524

Rio de Janeiro - RJ – Brazil 

CEP: 20550-900

Tel.: +55 21 2334 0386
E-mail: lishepoficial@gmail.com


Chairs: Alberto Santoro – Harvey Newman