Proceedings for HSTD13
The manuscripts of contributions presented at the conference will, after a peer-review process, be published as a special issue of Nuclear Instrumentations and Methods in Physics Research, Section A (NIMA).
The manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the journal's standards. Please have a look first at ELSEVIER'S GUIDE TO PUBLICATION. One has to use specific for NIM A Instructions for Authors, where one may also find instructions how to write a manuscript in Word and Latex.
NIM A no longer provides a word template for submissions - submissions in Word are requested to be formatted according to the NIM A submission guidelines.
The length of a paper is 5-6 pages for both oral and poster presentations where a page is a NIMA page after printing (approximately 6800 characters/page (without figures)). Please consult a recent NIMA issue to estimate the content of one page. Also, the number of pages can be estimated as in "How to calculate the size of a paper" in below.
Please pay attention to the deadline date of submission and plan your time in advance for writing the paper. Formal submission ends on February 1st 15th, 2024.
Instructions for online paper submission
Go to the submission website. Go "Author login", and follow the link to submit a new manuscript. If you are using Elsevier Editorial System (EES) for the first time, you may have to register first.
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the conference proceedings, it is mandatory to select the proper "Article Type", VSI: HSTD13, when you reach the Article Type in the submission process.
Page format of the manuscript:
The manuscript should be in single column, double-spacing, with line numbers associated. In LaTeX, please set
How to calculate the size of a paper:
1. A full text page contains about 6800 characters (including space characters).
2. In general the title and abstract takes about 1/2 page.
3. One square figure (that fits one column) corresponds to about 1200 symbols plus about 60 symbols for one caption line.
In TeX, to count the number of pages, you may use
and for the figures