Day 3 - Session 2: Strip Sensors
- Simon Viel (Carleton University)
- Simon Viel (Carleton University)
The production of strip sensors for the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) started in 2021. During this time, a Quality Assurance (QA) program is being carried out continuously, by using specific test structures, in parallel to the Quality Control (QC) inspection of the sensors. The QA program consists of monitoring sensor-specific characteristics and the technological wafer process variability, as...
The new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) is being constructed by the ATLAS collaboration to track charged particles produced at the High-Luminosity LHC. The outer portion of the ITk detector will include nearly 18,000 highly segmented and radiation hard silicon strip sensors (ATLAS18 design). Throughout the production of 22,000 sensors, anticipating expected losses, the strip sensors are...
The new ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) will replace the current tracking detector of the ATLAS detector to cope with the challenging conditions for the Phase-II upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider experiment (LHC), the so-called High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The new tracking detector is an all-silicon detector consisting of a pixel inner tracker and a silicon microstrips outer tracker,...
In preparation for the forthcoming High-Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider, the ATLAS experiment is working on major upgrades to its detector systems to effectively accommodate the increase in radiation levels and track density. The foremost among these upgrades entails the replacement of the current inner tracking detector with an advanced all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk). In the...