10–13 Oct 2023
University of Tarapaca, Arica, Chile
America/Santiago timezone

New physics searches from the BABAR experiment

12 Oct 2023, 11:20
Room 103 (Room 103)

Room 103

Room 103

Oral presentation High Energy Particle Physics Parallel Session 4


Steven Robertson (IPP / University of Alberta)


The BABAR experiment continues to produce interesting new constraints from searches for new physics in exotic and dark sector signatures using its extensive data set of B factory data collected in the vicinity of the Upsilon(4S) resonance. This large data set, with well-understood detector conditions and precisely controlled systematics, has demonstrated utility for both exotic rare decay searches and high-statistics precision measurements of Standard Model observables with potential sensitivity to new physics contributions. This presentation will summarize recent BABAR results of searches for light dark matter candidates in B meson decays, heavy neutral leptons, and charged lepton flavour violation. The implications for g-2 of recent precision measurements of the e+e- hadronic cross sections will also be discussed.


Steven Robertson
steven.robertson@ualberta.ca (IPP / University of Alberta)

Is this abstract from experiment? Yes
Name of experiment and experimental site BABAR Collaboration, SLAC
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk No


Steven Robertson (IPP / University of Alberta)

Presentation materials