May 22 – 26, 2023
Belgrade, Serbia
Europe/Zurich timezone

Conference on-site services

Captioning services 

The conference is making every effort to have all the talks closed-captioned in real time but it may be possible only to have Plenary talks. Plenary session talks are planned to be closed-captioned by a professional captioning company, while all parallel sessions are planned to be captioned using the Zoom automatic captioning feature.

Accessibility services 

The conference is organised at a venue that provides a high-level of accessibility services. 

In addition, the University of Belgrade has a limited capacity to organise transport between the airport and their hotel for participants with reduced mobility, as well as daily transport between their hotel and the conference venue. For more information on this service, please get in touch with us via, and we will let you know its availability.

Childcare services 

Participants with children and their children are most welcome at LHCP 2023! There are numerous trusted professional child care service providers in Belgrade (with the appropriate insurance to cover risk of child care, speaking multiple international languages, etc.), and conference venue together with the conference organisers can provide you with the information on how to get to these services. Please note that in case you decide to set up the contract for the provision of child care, the contract will be set up between a provider and the individual parent (Hotel Metropol and conference organisers will just provide the information related to childcare providers). For more information about the childcare service and family-friendly activities service please get in touch with us via