May 22 – 26, 2023
Belgrade, Serbia
Europe/Zurich timezone

Useful information

Serbian currency and banking services

The official currency of Serbia is dinar (RSD). At the time of writing, the exchange rate is around 117 dinars for 1 euro/dollar/CHF.

There are many exchange offices in the city and you should have no trouble finding them. The exchange rates don't vary much between the offices, but you might want to keep the orientation rate given here in mind. We advise you to bring euros or US dollars; exchanging dinars to/from other currencies at reasonable rates might be difficult.

There are also many ATMs in the streets, and they should all accept VISA, Mastercard and Maestro. Most shops also take cards, but not all. If in doubt, it's best to ask before buying.

It is advised to use exchange offices or ATMs if possible, and not exchange currencies in the bank.

Electrical standards and measurement systems

  • System of Measurement Used: Metric system
  • Unit of Measurement of Temperature: Degrees Celsius (°C)
  • Timezone: Central European Standard Time (GMT+1)
  • Electricity
    • Voltage: 230 V
    • Frequency: 50 Hz 
    • Power-plug types C and F

Useful telephone numbers and emergency services

  • Country Code: +381
  • 192 - Police
  • 193 - Fire department
  • 194 - Medical emergencies
  • 987 - Road emergency