11th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference

from Monday, May 22, 2023 (8:00 AM) to Friday, May 26, 2023 (7:00 PM)
Belgrade, Serbia

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
May 22, 2023
May 23, 2023
May 24, 2023
May 25, 2023
May 26, 2023
8:00 AM
Registration (until 9:00 AM) (near ballroom Ivo Andric)
9:00 AM
Opening session - Dave Charlton Lidija Zivkovic (until 11:00 AM) (Ivo Andric B)
9:00 AM Welcome - Predrag Milenovic Lidija Zivkovic   (Ivo Andric B)
9:05 AM Status of the LHC - Rhodri Jones   (Ivo Andric B)
9:30 AM ALICE status and overview - Igor Altsybeev   (Ivo Andric B)
9:55 AM LHCb status and overview - Carla Gobel Burlamaqui De Mello   (Ivo Andric B)
10:20 AM ATLAS status and overview - Sarah Marie Demers Konezny   (Ivo Andric B)
11:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM
Opening session - Predrag Milenovic Shahram Rahatlou (until 1:00 PM) (Ivo Andric B)
11:30 AM CMS status and overview - Lucia Silvestris   (Ivo Andric B)
11:55 AM Overall CERN view, status and plans - Joachim Josef Mnich   (Ivo Andric B)
12:20 PM Diversity, inclusion and outreach report - Guillaume Max Pietrzyk   (Ivo Andric B)
12:35 PM Report from the LHC experiments' young scientist forums - Olga Gudnadottir   (Ivo Andric B)
9:00 AM
Plenary session 2 - Valentina Zaccolo Magdalena Djordjevic (until 11:00 AM) (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:00 AM Recent improvements in QCD predictions. - Giulia Zanderighi   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:24 AM Hadron spectroscopy and hadron-hadron interactions - Valentina Mantovani Sarti   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:48 AM QCD measurements in pp collisions: from the underlying event to jets - Armando Bermudez Martinez   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
10:13 AM Recent developments in Heavy Ion theory - Shanshan Cao   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
10:36 AM The limits of QGP-like effects towards smaller systems: from Pb-Pb down to pp and fixed-target collisions - Nicolo Jacazio   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
11:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM
Beyond SM 1 (TeV-Scale) - Hector De La Torre Perez Pieter Everaerts Petar Maksimovic Tania Natalie Robens Shufang Su (until 1:00 PM) (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:30 AM Vector like quarks and/ or leptoquarks - Ben Stefanek   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:48 AM VLQ searches and hadronic final states - ATLAS - Venugopal Ellajosyula   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:06 PM VLQ searches and hadronic final states - CMS - Antimo Cagnotta   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:24 PM Leptoquarks and other leptonic final states - ATLAS - Giovanni Padovano   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:42 PM Leptoquarks and other leptonic final states - CMS - Halil Saka   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:30 AM
Beyond SM 2 (Feebly Interacting Particles) - Nishita Desai Lydia Brenner Hideyuki Oide Lesya Shchutska Steven Lowette (until 1:00 PM) (Lavender room)
11:30 AM Overview for Axions/ALPs: theory perspective - Marvin Schnubel (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (DE))   (Lavender room)
11:48 AM Axion results from the LHC including future prospects - Davide Zuliani   (Lavender room)
12:06 PM MilliQan and MoEDAL-MAPP status and prospects - Hualin Mei   (Lavender room)
12:24 PM FASER status and prospects - Noshin Tarannum   (Lavender room)
12:42 PM Overview of New physics searches at the Forward Physics Facility - Roshan Mammen Abraham Roshan Mammen Abraham   (Lavender room)
11:30 AM
Electroweak Physics - Menglin Xu Nenad Vranjes Alessandro Vicini Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto (until 1:00 PM) (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:30 AM VBS/VBF measurements (with photons) at ATLAS and CMS - Ying An   (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:45 AM VBS/VBF theory developments - Richard Ruiz (Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ) PAN) Dr Richard Ruiz Richard Ruiz   (7th floor room : Elytis)
12:05 PM VBS/VBF measurements (without photons) at ATLAS - Chilufya Mwewa   (7th floor room : Elytis)
12:20 PM VBS/VBF measurements (without photons) at CMS - Mr Giacomo Boldrini   (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:30 AM
Joint (HeavyIons+Flav) - Maria Smizanska Dr Olcyr Sumensari Saverio Mariani Martin Spousta Lucia Oliva Valentina Zaccolo Yongsun Kim Achim Geiser Nathan Philip Jurik Fabrizio Grosa (until 1:00 PM) (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:30 AM Quarkonia production - Pol Gossiaux   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:48 AM Open heavy-flavour production - Marco Ruggieri   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:06 PM Charmonium modification in the quark gluon plasma - Cynthia Hadjidakis   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:24 PM Open heavy-flavour production in collider mode - Mate Csanad   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:42 PM Heavy-flavour production in fixed-target mode - Óscar Boente García   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:30 AM
Performance and Tools - Christina Agapopoulou Dr Jean-Roch Vlimant Catalin-Lucian Ristea Yuji Enari Riccardo Torre (until 1:02 PM) (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
11:30 AM Run3 Performance of new hardware in ALICE - Jian Liu   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
11:50 AM Run3 Performance of new hardware in LHCb - Giovanni Cavallero   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
12:08 PM Run3 Performance of new hardware in ATLAS - Liang Guan   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
12:26 PM Run3 Performance of new hardware in CMS - David Walter   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
12:44 PM Online reconstruction and Trigger - Marianna Fontana   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
9:00 AM
Plenary session 3 - Eva Halkiadakis Andreas Hoecker (until 11:00 AM) (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:00 AM Investigating interactions in the quark-gluon plasma with high pT probes - Leticia Cunqueiro Mendez   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:24 AM Flavour anomalies in b->sll and b->cln transitions - Florian Reiss   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:48 AM BSM theory perspectives for Run 3 - Henning Bahl (University of Chicago)   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
10:12 AM Testing BSM with the Higgs - Gauthier Durieux   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
10:36 AM Heavy resonance searches - Miaoran Lu   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
11:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM
Beyond SM 1 (TeV-Scale) - Hector De La Torre Perez Pieter Everaerts Shufang Su Petar Maksimovic Tania Natalie Robens (until 1:30 PM) ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
11:30 AM High mass resonances - extra gauge bosons, and/ or other exotics - Elena Accomando   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
11:48 AM Supersymmetry - Theory - Mark Dayvon Goodsell   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
12:06 PM Supersymmetry - ATLAS - Xuanhong Lou   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
12:24 PM Supersymmetry - CMS - Sezen Sekmen   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
12:42 PM Search for new physics using unsupervised machine learning for anomaly detection with ATLAS - Rui Zhang   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
1:00 PM CMS highlights on searches for new physics in final states with jets - Manos Vourliotis   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
1:18 PM Additional discussion   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
11:30 AM
Higgs Physics - Toni Sculac Spencer Chang Ken Mimasu Hongtao Yang (until 1:30 PM) (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:30 AM Higgs boson couplings at ATLAS - Luca Fiorini   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:47 AM Higgs couplings at CMS - Fabio Monti   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:04 PM Amplitudes as observables for Higgs at colliders - Spencer Chang   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:21 PM Higgs boson fiducial differential cross section measurements at CMS - Vukasin Milosevic   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:38 PM Higgs boson fiducial differential cross section measurements at ATLAS - Roberto Di Nardo   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:55 PM Higgs Yukawa CP and baryon asymmetry - Marco Menen   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
1:12 PM Higgs boson rare production and decay at ATLAS and CMS - Toyoko Orimoto   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:30 AM
Joint (QCD+Flavour) - Henning Kirschenmann Liupan An Nathan Philip Jurik James Mulligan Lydia Audrey Beresford Achim Geiser Fabrizio Grosa Prof. Simone Marzani Dr Olcyr Sumensari Maria Smizanska (until 1:30 PM) (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:30 AM Charm and beauty production cross sections and fractions - Fabio Catalano   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:47 AM Quarkonium production cross section and polarisation - Dr Andry Rakotozafindrabe   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:04 PM Investigating the strong interaction between hadrons and light nuclei with femtoscopy and hypernuclei measurements (ALICE) - Raffaele Del Grande   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:21 PM Theoretical models for exotic heavy-flavour hadrons - Prof. Feng-Kun Guo   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:38 PM Rare or exotic light and heavy four-muon resonances at CMS - Sergey Polikarpov   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:55 PM Hadron spectroscopy at LHCb - Lorenzo Capriotti   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
1:12 PM Jet measurements in pp collisions from ATLAS - Ota Zaplatilek   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:30 AM
Top Physics - Eleni Vryonidou Alexander Josef Grohsjean Federica Fabbri Reinhard Schwienhorst (until 1:30 PM) (LAVENDER ROOM)
11:30 AM Non-factorisable contribution to t-channel single-top production - Christian Bronnum-Hansen   (LAVENDER ROOM)
11:47 AM Measurement of ttbar and single top quark production in ATLAS - Mohammed Faraj   (LAVENDER ROOM)
12:04 PM Higher order corrections and off-shell effects - Giovanni Pelliccioli   (LAVENDER ROOM)
12:21 PM Measurements of ttbar production and fermion associated ttbar production in CMS - Federica Colombina   (LAVENDER ROOM)
12:38 PM 4top, ttW and top quark plus heavy flavor production in ATLAS - Johnny Raine   (LAVENDER ROOM)
12:55 PM Resummation in 4 top production - Laura Moreno Valero   (LAVENDER ROOM)
1:12 PM Measurements of ttbar/single top + boson production in CMS - Kathryn Wendy Coldham   (LAVENDER ROOM)
11:30 AM
Upgrades and Future Projects - Sezen Sekmen Andrea Wulzer Nikolina Ilic Serhiy Senyukov Dr Manuel Tobias Schiller (until 1:36 PM) (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
11:30 AM New Ideas on Detector Technology for the ILC Experiments - Maksym Titov Dr Maksym Titov Maxim TITOV   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
11:48 AM Theory: Motivation for future muon colliders - Roberto Franceschini   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
12:06 PM Experimental physics and detector challenges at a muon collider - Federico Meloni   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
12:24 PM New Technologies for Colliders - Jorge Miguel Ramos Domingues Ferreira Vieira   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
12:42 PM MATHUSLA - Mason Proffitt   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
1:00 PM MoEDAL-MAPP - Detectors specialised for LLP searches - Dr Vasiliki Mitsou   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
1:18 PM PPS forward physics upgrade - Michael Pitt   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
9:00 AM
Plenary session 4 - Gregorio Bernardi Greg Landsberg (until 11:00 AM) (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:00 AM Non-resonant searches at TeV scale - Ka Hei Martin Kwok   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:24 AM Dark matter at the LHC - Susanne Westhoff   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:48 AM Searches with displaced particles - Lesya Shchutska   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
10:12 AM Prompt searches for feebly interacting particles - Elliot Reynolds   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
10:36 AM Precision Higgs Physics - Robert Valentin Harlander   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
11:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM
Electroweak Physics - Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto Alessandro Vicini Nenad Vranjes Menglin Xu (until 1:00 PM) (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:30 AM Theory prediction and event generation for polarization measurements - Giovanni Pelliccioli Giovanni Pelliccioli   (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:50 AM Recent diboson and polarization measurements at ATLAS - José Antonio Fernández Pretel   (7th floor room : Elytis)
12:05 PM Recent diboson and polarization measurements at CMS - Saptaparna Bhattacharya   (7th floor room : Elytis)
12:20 PM Higher-order corrections in multiboson production - Silvia Zanoli   (7th floor room : Elytis)
12:40 PM Triboson measurements at ATLAS and CMS - Alessandro Ambler (McGill University, (CA))   (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:30 AM
Joint (BSM1+Flavour) - Hector De La Torre Perez Maria Smizanska Pieter Everaerts Petar Maksimovic Fabrizio Grosa Dr Olcyr Sumensari Tania Natalie Robens Nathan Philip Jurik Achim Geiser Shufang Su (until 1:00 PM) (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:30 AM Theory lessons from flavour data - Dr Javier M. Lizana   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:48 AM Leptoquarks (focus on high-pT) - Dr Nejc Košnik   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:06 PM Lepton Flavour Universality studies and related rare decays in CMS + ATLAS - Keith Ulmer   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:24 PM Lepton Flavour Universality tests in LHCb - Rizwaan Mohammed   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:42 PM Searches for rare and forbidden decays in LHCb - Lex Greeven   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:30 AM
Performance and Tools - Yuji Enari Riccardo Torre Catalin-Lucian Ristea Dr Jean-Roch Vlimant Christina Agapopoulou (until 1:00 PM) (LAVENDER ROOM)
11:30 AM Photon and Leptons performance - Anshul Kapoor   (LAVENDER ROOM)
11:48 AM Jet, Missing transverse Energy - Henning Kirschenmann   (LAVENDER ROOM)
12:06 PM Flavor tagging and boosted objects - Thomas Strebler   (LAVENDER ROOM)
12:24 PM Tracking and Vertexing - Mattia Faggin   (LAVENDER ROOM)
12:42 PM Particle Identification - Christian Sonnabend   (LAVENDER ROOM)
11:30 AM
Upgrades and Future Projects - Serhiy Senyukov Sezen Sekmen Dr Manuel Tobias Schiller Nikolina Ilic Andrea Wulzer (until 1:00 PM) (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:30 AM Highlights from HL-LHC Physics Prospects (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb) - Davide Zuolo   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:48 AM ATLAS Inner TracKer Upgrade - Sebastien Roy-Garand   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:06 PM Future Monolithic Pixel Detectors in ALICE and Beyond - Francesca Carnesecchi   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:24 PM FASER Upgrades - Stefano Zambito   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:42 PM MilliQan Upgrades - Hualin Mei   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
9:00 AM
Plenary session 6 - Monica Dunford Florencia Canelli (until 11:00 AM) (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:00 AM Measurement of Higgs boson production and properties - Chiara Arcangeletti   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:24 AM Search for rare/BSM Higgs boson decays and BSM Higgs sector - Maxwell Chertok   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
9:48 AM EFTs, models, and matching: a few examples - Shankha Banerjee   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
10:12 AM Top properties, including top mass - Thomas James Stevenson   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
10:36 AM Precision top quark physics - Massimiliano Grazzini   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
11:00 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM
Beyond SM 2 (Feebly Interacting Particles) - Nishita Desai Hideyuki Oide Lesya Shchutska Lydia Brenner Steven Lowette (until 1:00 PM) (Lavender room)
11:30 AM Semi-visible jets, a.k.a. Dark showers: theory perspective - Suchita Kulkarni   (Lavender room)
11:48 AM Semi-visible jets, a.k.a. Dark showers: experimental status - Sukanya Sinha   (Lavender room)
12:06 PM Prompt signature searches in ATLAS - Alvaro Lopez Solis   (Lavender room)
12:24 PM Prompt signature searches in CMS - Xuli Yan   (Lavender room)
12:42 PM Searches for DM at NA62/NA64 - Dr Mikhail Kirsanov Dr Viacheslav Duk   (Lavender room)
11:30 AM
Electroweak Physics - Menglin Xu Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto Alessandro Vicini Nenad Vranjes (until 1:00 PM) (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:30 AM Vector boson modeling for precision physics - Tobias Neumann   (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:50 AM Recent EWK precision measurements in CMS - Vladimir Cherepanov   (7th floor room : Elytis)
12:05 PM Recent EWK precision measurements in ATLAS - Dr Xingguo Li   (7th floor room : Elytis)
12:20 PM Recent WZ precision measurements in LHCb - Jianqiao Deng   (7th floor room : Elytis)
12:35 PM EFT theory outlook - Dr Raquel Gomez Ambrosio   (7th floor room : Elytis)
11:30 AM
Flavour Physics - Fabrizio Grosa Achim Geiser Nathan Philip Jurik Dr Olcyr Sumensari Maria Smizanska (until 1:00 PM) (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:30 AM B-meson semileptonic form-factors on the lattice - Andreas Juttner   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:48 AM B decays and other spectroscopy/resonance results from CMS - Maksim Sergeev   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:06 PM Hadronic B decay rate measurements at LHCb - Andrea Villa   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:24 PM Measurement of scattering parameters governing the residual strong interaction between charm and light hadrons (ALICE) - Daniel Battistini   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
12:42 PM B decays and resonances in ATLAS - Roger Jones   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
11:30 AM
Joint (Higgs+Top) - Alexander Josef Grohsjean Hongtao Yang Spencer Chang Reinhard Schwienhorst Federica Fabbri Toni Sculac Eleni Vryonidou Ken Mimasu (until 1:00 PM) (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:30 AM Higgs boson production in association with top quark at ATLAS - Valentina Vecchio   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
11:48 AM Higgs boson production in association with top quark at CMS - Clara Ramon Alvarez   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:06 PM Higgs probes of top contact interactions and their interplay with Higgs self-coupling - Stefano Di Noi   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:24 PM Measurement of ttW and ttbb from ATLAS and CMS - Stergios Kazakos   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
12:42 PM ttH at NNLO - Javier Mazzitelli   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
1:00 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:30 PM
Beyond SM 2 (Feebly Interacting Particles) - Hideyuki Oide Lesya Shchutska Steven Lowette Lydia Brenner Nishita Desai (until 4:30 PM) (Lavender room)
2:30 PM Overview of searches, prospects, what are we missing? - Victor Martin Lozano Victor Martin Lozano   (Lavender room)
2:48 PM LLP overview: theory perspective - Giovanna Cottin   (Lavender room)
3:06 PM HNL overview: theory perspective - Mr Juraj Klaric Juraj Klaric Juraj Klaric   (Lavender room)
3:24 PM HNL experimental results from the LHC - Raffaella Tramontano   (Lavender room)
3:42 PM LLP results from CMS - Ang Li   (Lavender room)
4:00 PM LLP results from ATLAS - Mohsen Naseri   (Lavender room)
4:18 PM Prospects from pro-ANUBIS - Aashaq Shah   (Lavender room)
2:30 PM
Heavy Ion Physics - Valentina Zaccolo Saverio Mariani Martin Spousta Yongsun Kim Lucia Oliva (until 4:30 PM) (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:30 PM Event-by-event fluctuations - Tapan Nayak   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:47 PM Flow and correlations measurements in small and large systems - Lucia Anna Tarasovicova   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:04 PM Anisotropic flow in large and small systems - Victor E. Ambrus Victor Ambrus Victor Eugen Ambrus   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:21 PM Two-particle femtoscopic correlation measurements - Mate Csanad   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:38 PM How can LHC data contribute to cosmic rays studies? - Michael Korsmeier   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:55 PM Fixed-target measurements contributing to cosmic rays studies - Giacomo Graziani   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
4:12 PM (Anti)nuclei production at colliders relavant for astroparticle physics - Pavel Larionov   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:30 PM
Joint EFT (Higgs+EWK+Top) - Federica Fabbri Reinhard Schwienhorst Nenad Vranjes Menglin Xu Toni Sculac Spencer Chang Hongtao Yang Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto Eleni Vryonidou Ken Mimasu Alessandro Vicini Alexander Josef Grohsjean (until 4:30 PM) (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:30 PM Status of SMEFT Fits and Unbinned Likelihoods - Maeve Madigan   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:47 PM Higgs/Top/EWK and Global EFT results at ATLAS - Eleonora Rossi   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:04 PM Higgs/Top/EWK and Global EFT results at CMS - Davide Valsecchi   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:21 PM Probing Top-quark Operators with Precision Electroweak Measurements - Yiming Liu   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:38 PM SMEFT in 4 top production - Hesham El Faham   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:55 PM Experimental aspects from Heavy Flavour in EFT - Patrick Haworth Owen   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
4:12 PM Simultaneous determination of SMEFT and PDFs - Luca Mantani   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:30 PM
Outreach, Diversity and Education - Tapan Nayak Guillaume Max Pietrzyk Abideh Jafari Dr Ketevi Adikle Assamagan (until 4:30 PM) (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:30 PM Leveraging the past to prepare the future of particle physics - A successful case of science communication - Anais Gerard   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:50 PM I'm A Scientist... Get Me Out of Here! - Shane McCracken   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
3:10 PM The LHC Early Career Mentoring Programme - Kathryn Wendy Coldham   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
3:30 PM Experiences from mental health workshops for LHC scientists - Petra Loncar   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
3:50 PM The Science Gateway Education Program - Anja Kranjc Horvat   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
4:10 PM Updates on the IPPOG activities - Roumyana Mileva Hadjiiska   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:30 PM
QCD Physics - Lydia Audrey Beresford Prof. Simone Marzani Liupan An Henning Kirschenmann James Mulligan (until 4:30 PM) (7th floor room : Elytis)
2:30 PM Jet measurements in pp collisions from CMS - Daniel Savoiu   (7th floor room : Elytis)
2:47 PM Jet measurements in pp collisions from ALICE - Austin Schmier   (7th floor room : Elytis)
3:04 PM Jet measurements in pp collisions from LHCb - Davide Zuliani   (7th floor room : Elytis)
3:21 PM Precision QCD calculations - Federico Buccioni Federico Buccioni   (7th floor room : Elytis)
3:38 PM Jets and their substructure - Giovanni Stagnitto (University of Zurich (CH))   (7th floor room : Elytis)
3:55 PM Flavoured jet algorithms - Giovanni Stagnitto   (7th floor room : Elytis)
4:30 PM --- Coffee break ---
5:00 PM
Plenary session 1 - Marija Vranjes Milosavljevic Giacomo Graziani (until 6:35 PM) (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:00 PM Current issues in flavor physics - Avital Dery (Cornell)   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:25 PM CKM and CPV measurements in the beauty and charm sector - Lei Hao   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:50 PM Rare heavy flavor decays and LFV - Roger Jones   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
6:15 PM Quark-gluon plasma properties from LHC data - Anthony Robert Timmins   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
6:35 PM --- Free time ---
7:00 PM --- Reception ---
1:02 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:30 PM
Flavour Physics - Fabrizio Grosa Nathan Philip Jurik Maria Smizanska Achim Geiser Dr Olcyr Sumensari (until 4:30 PM) (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:30 PM CP violation and mixing in b and c decays (TH) - Maria Laura Piscopo   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:47 PM Status and outlook for B-mixing parameters on the lattice (TH) - Tobias Tsang   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:04 PM Time dependent CP violation in b decays (LHCb) - Yingrui Hou   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:21 PM CP violation and lifetimes in CMS - Silvano Tosi   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:38 PM Lifetime measurements with $B_{s}\rightarrow\mu\mu$ and $B_{d}\rightarrow J/\psi K^{0*}$, CP violation in $B_{s}\rightarrow J/\psi\phi$ (ATLAS) - Marek Biros   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:55 PM Time integrated CP violation in b decays (LHCb) - Jessy Daniel   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
4:12 PM CP violation and mixing in c decays (LHCb) - David Friday   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:30 PM
Joint (Higgs+BSM1) - Hongtao Yang Toni Sculac Spencer Chang Shufang Su Petar Maksimovic Pieter Everaerts Hector De La Torre Perez Ken Mimasu Tania Natalie Robens (until 4:30 PM) (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:30 PM Extended scalar sectors at the LHC -theory overview - Rui Santos   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:48 PM Extended scalar sectors and electroweak phase transition - Jose Miguel No   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:06 PM Exotic production and decays of the 125 GeV Higgs - ATLAS - Rocky Bala Garg   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:24 PM Exotic production and decays of the 125 GeV Higgs - CMS - Pallabi Das   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:42 PM Searches for BSM scalars - ATLAS - Nicholas Kyriacou   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
4:00 PM Searches for BSM scalars - CMS - Mr Ram Krishna Sharma   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:30 PM
Joint (QCD+HeavyIons) - James Mulligan Prof. Simone Marzani Yongsun Kim Martin Spousta Saverio Mariani Lucia Oliva Valentina Zaccolo Henning Kirschenmann Liupan An Lydia Audrey Beresford (until 4:30 PM) ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
2:30 PM Studying the (pre)equilibrium stage high-pT partons - Dr Bithika Karmakar   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
2:47 PM Jet quenching and parton showers: the latest theoretical developments in heavy-ion collisions - Krzysztof Kutak   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
3:04 PM Parton showers in pp/vacuum - Florian Herren   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
3:21 PM Pile-up and background correction techniques from pp to AA - Peter Berta   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
3:38 PM Jet measurements in small systems relevant for in medium modifications - Attila Jozsef Radl   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
3:55 PM Jet substructure measurements in heavy-ion collisions - Robert Vertesi   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
4:12 PM Inclusive jets and dijet suppression in heavy ion collisions - Martin Spousta   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
2:30 PM
Outreach, Diversity and Education -Dr Ketevi Adikle Assamagan Abideh Jafari Guillaume Max Pietrzyk Tapan Nayak (until 4:30 PM) (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:30 PM Statistics on participation in LHC and other experiments - Claire David   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:50 PM Personal experiences of participating in LHC experiments - Edith Zinhle Buthelezi   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
3:10 PM Panel Discussion on "Challenges for emerging countries to join / participate in LHC experiments" - Claire David Adlene Hicheur Edith Zinhle Buthelezi Johan Sebastian Bonilla   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:30 PM
Joint (Upgrade+Perf/Tools) - Catalin-Lucian Ristea Dr Jean-Roch Vlimant Riccardo Torre Sezen Sekmen Christina Agapopoulou Yuji Enari Serhiy Senyukov Dr Manuel Tobias Schiller Andrea Wulzer Nikolina Ilic (until 4:30 PM) (Lavender room)
2:30 PM HL-LHC and Beyond Computing Challenges - Vangelis Kourlitis   (Lavender room)
2:54 PM CMS Level-1 Trigger Upgrade - Jose Enrique Palencia Cortezon   (Lavender room)
3:18 PM Hetergenous Architectures - Wahid Redjeb   (Lavender room)
3:42 PM Future Timing Detectors in LHCb and Beyond - Matteo Bartolini   (Lavender room)
4:06 PM Fast Interfaces - Thea Aarrestad   (Lavender room)
4:30 PM --- Coffee break ---
5:00 PM
Poster session (until 6:30 PM) (Ivo Andric ballroom A)
1:30 PM --- Lunch@Metropol ---
2:30 PM --- Excursion ---
1:00 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:30 PM
Heavy Ion Physics - Saverio Mariani Yongsun Kim Martin Spousta Lucia Oliva Valentina Zaccolo (until 4:30 PM) (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:30 PM Hadronisation in event generators from small to large systems - Yuuka Kanakubo   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:47 PM Theoretical overview of heavy-flavor hadronization - Vincenzo Minissale   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:04 PM Modification of heavy-quark hadronisation as a function of multiplicity - Chenxi Gu   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:20 PM Light nuclei production in small systems - Rutuparna Rath   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:38 PM Strangeness production in jets and out of jets in small systems - Chiara De Martin   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
3:55 PM Light-by-light scattering and high mass dilepton production in UPC - Krzysztof Cieśla   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
4:12 PM Probing gluons in nuclei using UPC - Prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras Nuno   (THE PLATO ROOM 1)
2:30 PM
Higgs Physics - Hongtao Yang Toni Sculac Ken Mimasu Spencer Chang (until 4:30 PM) (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:30 PM Theory overview of Offshell Taskforce - Eleni Vryonidou   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:47 PM Higgs boson mass, width, CP and anomalous couplings measurements at CMS - Li Yuan   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:04 PM Higgs boson mass, width, CP and anomalous couplings measurements at ATLAS - Bo Liu   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:21 PM Higgs couplings at a muon collider - Patrick Meade   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:38 PM Non-resonant HH production and Higgs self-coupling at ATLAS - Rachel Jordan Hyneman   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
3:55 PM Non-resonant HH production and Higgs self-coupling at CMS - Saswati Nandan   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
4:12 PM Precise SMEFT predictions for di-Higgs production - Jannis Lang   (IVO ANDRIC BALLROOM B)
2:30 PM
Performance and Tools - Yuji Enari Riccardo Torre Christina Agapopoulou Catalin-Lucian Ristea Dr Jean-Roch Vlimant (until 4:30 PM) ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
2:30 PM Anomaly detection - Katherine M Fraser Katherine Fraser   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
2:49 PM New developments on MC generation - Marco Zaro   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
3:08 PM Re-interpretation tools - Clemens Lange   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
3:26 PM Quantum computing - Andrea Delgado Dr Andrea Delgado   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
3:45 PM Zero-waste computing - Ana-Lucia Varbanescu   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
4:04 PM ML for statistics (unfolding, uncertainties, parameter estimation) - Dr Pietro Vischia   ( 7th floor room : Elytis)
2:30 PM
QCD Physics - James Mulligan Lydia Audrey Beresford Henning Kirschenmann Prof. Simone Marzani Liupan An (until 4:32 PM) (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:30 PM Multi-parton interactions and the underlying event - Jonathan Richard Gaunt   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:47 PM Associated production of quarkonium pairs - Yajing Wei   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
3:04 PM Diffraction and elastic scattering - Anna Feherkuti   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
3:21 PM Recent results on PDF extractions - Dr Juan M. Cruz Martinez   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
3:38 PM Recent experimental results with implications for PDFs - Bogdan Malaescu   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
3:55 PM V+HF and intrinsic charm - Stefanos Leontsinis   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
4:12 PM SND neutrino results - Simona Ilieva Ilieva   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
4:22 PM FASER neutrino results - Tobias Boeckh   (THE ARISTOTLE ROOM 3)
2:30 PM
Top Physics - Eleni Vryonidou Alexander Josef Grohsjean Reinhard Schwienhorst Federica Fabbri (until 4:30 PM) (LAVENDER)
2:30 PM Measurements of ttbar and single top production with bosons in ATLAS - Carmen Diez Pardos   (LAVENDER)
2:47 PM Entanglement in ttbar - Claudio Severi   (LAVENDER)
3:04 PM Measurements of top quark mass and properties in ATLAS - Dr James William Howarth   (LAVENDER)
3:21 PM Measurements of top quark mass and properties in CMS - Ashley Marie Parker   (LAVENDER)
3:38 PM Impact of top mass on top differential distributions - Dr Toni Makela   (LAVENDER)
3:55 PM Searches for BSM and FCNC with top quarks in ATLAS - Adrian Salvador Salas   (LAVENDER)
4:12 PM Searches for BSM and FCNC with top quarks in CMS - Nicolas Pierre Chanon   (LAVENDER)
4:32 PM --- Coffee break ---
5:00 PM
Plenary session 5 - Manfred Krammer Lucia Silvestris (until 6:34 PM) (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:00 PM Machine learning for LHC physics - Ramon Winterhalder   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:24 PM ALICE upgrades - Robert Helmut Munzer   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:48 PM LHCb upgrades - Fabio Ferrari   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
6:12 PM CMS upgrades - Juliette Alimena   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
6:24 PM ATLAS upgrades - Martin Kocian   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
6:35 PM --- Free time ---
7:30 PM --- Banquet ---
1:00 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:30 PM
Plenary session 7 - Bruno Mansoulie Alessandro Vicini (until 4:30 PM) (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
2:30 PM Top cross-section measurements and rare ttX processes - Melissa Quinnan   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
2:54 PM W/Z precision and differential measurements - Fabrice Balli   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
3:18 PM EW precision predictions and QCD-EW interplay for the LHC - Jonas Lindert (Sussex University)   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
3:42 PM Multiboson measurements - Qiang Li   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
4:06 PM Importance of LQCD to precision physics - Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois)   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
4:30 PM --- Coffee break ---
5:00 PM
Closing session - Toyoko Orimoto Federico Antinori (until 7:00 PM) (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:00 PM LHCP International Advisory Committee report - Dave Charlton   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:05 PM Poster award presentation - Dave Charlton (University of Birmingham (GB)) Keith Ulmer (University of Colorado, Boulder (US))   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:20 PM Experimental highlights from LHCP 2023 - Richard Hawkings   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
5:55 PM Theory perspective - stefania gori   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)
6:25 PM Closing remarks - Federico Antinori Shahram Rahatlou   (Ivo Andric ballroom B)