CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) provide many well-known
advantages for vertex detectors, high precision beam telescopes etc...
Granularity, radiation tolerance, random access and high speed read-out are
the most appealing characteristics. However, there are several constraints on
the design of the associated readout electronics:
· The process is chosen first according to its particle detection
· The minimum readable signal is very low (»1 mV).
· The layout dimensions must fit with the narrow pixel pitch.
· The power dissipation is a critical issue.
The design presented here is a 4 bit double sampling pipelined Analog to Digital
Converter (ADC). According to the power dissipation and the layout size, it is an
improved version in comparison with the results we published last year (San
Diego IEEE NSS 2006). This design is one of the candidates to equip the pixels
array designed at IPHC-Strasbourg in collaboration with DAPNIA-Saclay for the
future International Linear Collider (ILC) Vertex Detector.
The converter consists of a sample and hold amplifier (SHA) stage followed by a
double sampling pipelined stages.
A) The Sample and Hold Amplifier (SHA):
It amplifies the small incoming signal by 4 and compensates the amplifier’s
offset effect and the input common mode voltage fluctuations.
A charge redistribution architecture is used. Four non overlapping clock signals
control the sampling and the hold phases. During the sampling phase, the input
signal is stored onto the sampling capacitor (400 fF). During the hold phase,
the charges are transferred onto the feedback hold capacitor (100 fF).
B) Double sampling pipelined ADC:
The pipeline architecture provides the best deal between speed, consumption
and area required for the MAPS. A 2.5 bit pipelined stage followed by 2 bit flash
stage is used in this ADC. A digital error correction stage is added to leave
room for the comparators’ offsets.
Two successive stages of the ADC are always in opposite clock phases.
Therefore the amplifier and the comparators are shared between two adjacent
parallel ADC channels. The full logic part is also shared. Due to the critical input
signal, each ADC channel has its own SHA stage. By using double sampling
switched capacitor method, the equivalent sampling rate is doubled, the power
is reduced almost by 40% and the surface is significantly reduced compared to
the simple pipelined architecture. In contrast, the complexity of the pipelined
stage is increased; more switches and more different clock phases are needed.
Two important side effects are caused by sharing the amplifiers. First, the load
capacitance of the amplifier is increased and that affects its bandwidth
requirements. Second, the amplifier offset is never reset; this can be tolerated
by an adequate amplifier open loop DC-gain.
For the ILC case, the beam duty cycle is 1/200. A bias pulsing stage is
integrated in the circuit. Therefore, the analog part is switched OFF or ON in
less than 1µs.
We have already designed and successfully tested two first prototypes of 5 bit
simple pipelined ADC. The design presented here introduces several
improvements and theses results will be presented.