The ALICE trigger system operates with interaction rates for nucleus-nucleus,
proton-nucleus and proton-proton runs between about 8 kHz and 300 kHz. The
main block of the ALICE trigger electronics is the Central Trigger Processor
(CTP). The CTP is implemented using 6 different types of 6U VME board,
together making up eleven active boards for the CTP. This block will receive and
align up to 60 trigger inputs in parallel from the trigger detectors; it then
processes trigger information inside cluster and generates result of processing.
There are three different trigger levels (L0, L1 and L2) with latencies from 1.2
microseconds to 88 microseconds. The system allows dynamic partitioning in
order to make optimum use of detector readout. The system provides a flexible
past-future protection. The L0 trigger is sent as an LVDS signal or optionally via
the Channel A of the TTC system. The L1 signal is sent on channel A of the TTC
system and trigger data associated with level 1 are sent as a message on
channel B of the TTC system. The L2 trigger is sent as a message on the TTC
system after a delay, currently 88 microseconds, to allow for the longest
required past-future protection interval.
Outputs from the CTP go to the LTUs of each subdetector. The LTU serves as
an interface between the CTP and the subdetector readout electronics. The LTU
is able to run also in the stand-alone mode of operation and the LTU fully
emulates the CTP protocol and enables sub-detectors to carry out
development, test and calibration tasks independently of the CTP. The timing of
emulated trigger sequences is identical to the timing during the global run. The
LTU can generate incomplete sequences or different types of errors can be
introduced, either randomly or "on demand" (the option is available in both the
global mode and the stand-alone emulation mode), all in order to verify the
capability of the FEE to check the consistency of trigger information.
The trigger electronics is based on ALTERA Cyclone FPGAs (Field Programmable
Logic Arrays), which provide flexibility to change the functionality of the trigger
system by reprogramming FPGA. The system provides a range of monitoring
and debugging options. Snap-shot memories enable detection of any system
inconsistency and an identification of possible faults. Around 1200 counters,
including many redundancies, are read in regular intervals (1 minute), which
provides relevant physics information and also verify the consistency of the
hardware operation.
In order to monitor and recognize possible errors in the trigger timing and the
errors in trigger messages the TTCit board has been developed. The board can
monitor the optical output of a trigger partition. In case of an error the
information is displayed on the front panel. For detailed information and a
precise identification of errors, a snap-shot memory can be read-out. The snap-
shot memory contains information triggered by error in tree modes: pre-trigger,
middle-trigger or post-trigger.
The ALICE Trigger system, including the Local Trigger Unit electronics, has
been commissioned with all ALICE detectors on the surface and in the pit in
parallel. Currently it is installed in the cavern where the full system is
integrated with appropriate experimental software (Trigger - TRG, Experiment
Control System - ECS, Data Acquisition System - DAQ and Detector Control
System - DCS).