17–21 Jul 2023
University of Southampton Highfield Campus
Europe/London timezone

Scientific Programme

The scope of the conference covers the following topics:

  • Plenary

  • SUSY: Phenomenology and Experiment

    • Supersymmetry: Models, Phenomenology and Experimental Results
    • Searches for the BSM Physics at the LHC and Future Hadronic Colliders
    • New Tools in New Physics Searches
    • Lepton Colliders
  • Higgs theory and experiment

    • Electroweak, Top quark, and Higgs Physics
  • SUSY and String models

    • Split SUSY and High-Scale SUSY
    • Grand Unified Theories
    • Formal SUSY Theories
    • New Developments in String Theory
    • New Developments in Quantum Field Theory
  • Particle cosmology: Theory and Experiment

    • Early Universe Cosmology
    • Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics
    • Gravitational Waves as Probes for New Physics
  • Flavour physics: Theory and Experiment

    • Flavor Physics and CP Violation
    • Neutrino Physics and Leptons
  • Alternative theories to SUSY

    • Axion Physics and Experiments
    • Theories of New Strong Dynamics
  • Supergravity and cosmology

    • Models of dark energy and inflation
    • Swampland and quantum gravity conjectures
    • Aspects of supersymmetry breaking and formal supergravity