17–21 Jul 2023
University of Southampton Highfield Campus
Europe/London timezone

Participant List

224 participants

Last Name First Name Affiliation
. Anisha University of Glasgow
Abel Steve Durham University
Ahriche Amine University of Sharjah
Aiko Masashi KEK
Alanazi Sarah Southampton University
Allen Roland Texas A&M University
Altakach Mohammad Mahdi Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique & Cosmologie (LPSC)
Alvarez Cartelle Paula University of Cambridge
Amaral Dorian Rice University
Anderson Lara Virginia Tech
Antoniadis Ignatios LPTHE - Paris and IAS - Princeton
Antusch Stefan University of Basel
Apers Fien University of Oxford
Ashry Mustafa Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Egypt
Askew Andrew Warren Florida State University (US)
Athron Peter Nanjing Normal University
Baer Howard University of Oklahoma
Banerjee Avik Chalmers University of Technology
Barni Giulio SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Basile Ivano LMU
Bein Samuel Hamburg University (DE)
Belyaev Alexander University of Southampton & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Berry Tracey University of London (GB)
Bhattarai Rohit Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus, Ghantaghar
Borah Pankaj Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Borschensky Christoph Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
BOUBAA Dris Abbes Laghrour University Of Khenchela
Branchina Carlo Chung-Ang University
Brümmer Felix LUPM, Montpellier University
Cabrera Urbán Susana IFIC ( CSIC / Universidad de Valencia )
Cardini Andrea Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)
Carena Marcela Fermi National Laboratory and University of Chicago
Chakraborti Manimala University of Southampton
Chitose Akifumi Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
Chowdhury Pratyusha University of Southampton
Chung Yi Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
CIRELLI Marco LPTHE CNRS/Sorbonne Paris
Cliff Harry Victor University of Cambridge (GB)
Conlon Joseph Oxford University
Copello Emanuele JGU Mainz
Cornell Jonathan Weber State University
Costa Francesco University of Goettingen, ITP
Crispim Romao Miguel LIP
Cvetic Mirjam University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Cárcamo Hernández Antonio Enrique Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Córdova Clay University of Chicago
Davighi Joe University of Zurich
de Medeiros Varzielas Ivo CFTP, Instituto Superior Tecnico
De Wit Adinda LLR / CNRS (FR)
Dey Atri Postdoctoral research fellow
Di Bari Pasquale University of Southampton
Ding Gui-Jun University of Science and Technology of China
Doršner Ilja University of Split
Elander Daniel None
Esteban Ivan CCAPP, Ohio State University
Evans Nick University of Southampton
Faraggi Alon University of Liverpool
Farakos Fotis U. Padova
Fatemiabhari Ali Swansea University
Fernandez Navarro Mario University of Southampton
Ferrando Solera Sergio IFIC
Ferreira Elisa Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe and University of Sao Paulo
Ferretti Gabriele Chalmers University
Fitschen Tobias University of Manchester (GB)
Fonseca Renato University of Granada
Fridell Kåre KEK
Fu Bowen University of Southampton
Gadow Philipp CERN
Gerosa Raffaele Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)
Ghoshal Anish University of Wasrsaw, Poland
Gonzalo Tomas Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)
Haber Howard University of California, Santa Cruz
Hamaguchi Koichi University of Tokyo
Heinemeyer Sven IFT/CSIC (Madrid)
Hernandez Jimenez Yesenia Stony Brook University (US)
Herrmann Björn LAPTh Annecy / Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc
Hinze Kevin University of Basel
Hirsch Martin Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, CSIC - Universidad de Valencia
Hodgkinson Mark University of Sheffield (GB)
Hoefken Zink Jaime University of Bologna / INFN Bologna
Holzbock Michael Max Planck Society (DE)
Hor Shihwen The University of Tokyo
Huang Shuhui University of Hong Kong (HK)
HUSSAIN FAHAD Institute of space technology
Kar Arpan Center for Quantum Spacetime (CQUeST), Sogang University
Kasai Kentaro ICRR, The University of Tokyo
KETOV SERGEI Tokyo Metropolitan University
Khalil Shaaban Zewail City of Science and Technology
Khanov Alexander Oklahoma State University
King Steve University of Southampton
Kobakhidze Archil The University of Sydney
Kraml Sabine LPSC Grenoble
Kumar Jason University of Hawaii
Kumar Shukla Saurabh Physical Research Laboratory
Kwon Youngjoon Yonsei University
Leone Giorgio University of Torino
Leontaris George University of Ioannina
Levy Miguel CFTP-IST, U.Lisboa
Liatsos Nikolaos National Technical University of Athens
Licheri Matteo Università di Bologna
Lindner Manfred Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
Liu Yang Universität Würzburg
Lizana Javier M. Zurich University
Long Andrew Rice University
Ma Chen-Te Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
Majumdar Chayan University College London
Mamuzic Judita IFAE - Barcelona
Marcano Xabier UAM-IFT
Marsili Luca IPPP, University of Durham
Martin Stephen Northern Illinois University
Mimasu Ken King's College London
Mishra Swagat Saurav University of Nottingham, UK
Moga Radu University of Southampton
Mojahed Martin JGU
Morais Antonio Universidade de Aveiro
Moretti Stefano University of Southampton
Moritz Jakob Cornell University
Mosny Martin University of Oxford
MOULTAKA Gilbert LUPM/CNRS & University of Montpellier
Moursy Ahmad Cairo University
Mühlleitner Milada Margarete KIT
Nardoni Emily Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo
Naredo Daniel IFT-UAM/CSIC
Naskar Wrishik University of Glasgow
Nath Pran Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
Niki Atsuya University of Tokyo
Nilles Hans Peter Unv. Bonn
Ogundare Mayowa Scotland
Olivares Sebastian Universidad Andres Bello (CL)
Olive Keith A. University of Minnesota (US)
Ouyang Ruiwen NICPB
Palti Eran Ben-Gurion University
Pascal Timothée CNRS - LPSC (UGA)
Pasechnik Roman Lund university
Perri Daniele SISSA, Trieste
Pino Gonçalves João Pedro University of Aveiro/ Lund University
Rahat Moinul Hossain University of Southampton
Ramos Hamud Mario DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Raucci Salvatore Scuola Normale Superiore
Rehult Anders Nikhef / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Revello Filippo Utrecht University
Roshan Rishav University Of Southampton
Roszkowski Leszek Astrocent, CAMK PAN & NCBJ
Saad Shaikh University of Basel
Saka Halil University of Cyprus
Salvi Giovanna Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)
Sarkar Subir University of Oxford
Scalisi Marco Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
SEN CHANDRIMA Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Senapati Supriya University of Massachusetts Amherst
Seo Min-Seok Korea National University of Education
Servant Geraldine Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)
Sherrill Nathaniel University of Sussex
Shirai Satoshi Kavli IPMU
Skenderis Kostas University of Southampton
Soto Rodriguez Alejandro Universidad de Oviedo (ES)
Steiner Jonathan University of Basel
Sumida Toshi Kyoto University (JP)
Susič Vasja IPNP, Charles University
Tapadar Ananya Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Thomas Laurent Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
Thongyoi Nakorn University of Southampton
Tonero Alberto Kennesaw State Univesity
Tsukahara Sohei Kyushu university
Valle José W F IFIC/CSIC-Univ Valencia
Van Hemelryck Vincent KU Leuven
Vannicola Damiano Tel Aviv University
Vellidis Konstantinos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Villa Gonzalo DAMTP- University of Cambridge
Vives Garcia Oscar Manuel Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)
Wada Juntaro University of Tokyo
Wagner Carlos The University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
Waltari Harri Uppsala University
Wang Christina Wenlu California Institute of Technology (US)
Wang Xin University of Southampton
Watanabe Keiichi ICRR, U Tokyo
White Graham Southampton
Yan Siyuan University of Oxford (GB)
Yildirim Tom University of Oxford
Zavala Ivonne Swansea University
Zhang Kairui University of Wisconsin-Madison
Zhao Wenbin Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Bonn
Zhou Ye-Ling Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, UCAS
40 more participants