27 August 2023 to 10 September 2023
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

GREEN HYDROGEN: the first plant in the world for converting hydrogen from ethanol

2 Sept 2023, 17:30


Abstract: This keynote will present the achievement by RCGI on converting hydrogen from ethanol and building the first plant to perform it. He will also present the RCGI Center.

Lecturer: Full Professor of Applications and Principles in Mechanical Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo, PhD in Aeronautics, Imperial College – University of London (1993). DIC-Diploma of Imperial College in Aeronautical Engineering (1993). Livre Docente in Fluid Mechanics, University of São Paulo – USP (2002).
He has been working in research projects in Aeronautical, Mechanical, Naval and Oceanic Engineering, as coordinator or consultant. His main areas of interest are investigations focusing on vortex shedding, vortex- induced vibration, computational fluid dynamics, bluff body flow and aeroacustics. He worked as Research Associate at the Department of Aeronautics-Imperial College in 1995. Since 1994, he is an academic member of staff of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Escola Politécnica of University of São Paulo (EPUSP).
He is the Scientific Director of the Research Centre for Gas Innovation (RCGI), sponsored by FAPESP- SHELL. He is the coordinator of the Fluid & Dynamics Research Group (NDF) at EPUSP. He has been coordinating research projects sponsored by Petrobras, Shell, Embraer, Fapesp, Finep/CTPetro, CNPq/CTPetro, Voith-Siemens, British Petroleum (BP), Oxiteno and BG-Group. He was appointed in July 2017 a Full Member of the Academy of Sciences of São Paulo State. (Text informed by the lecturer).


Prof. Julio Meneghini (Polytechnic School at USP, BR)

Presentation materials