August 27, 2023 to September 10, 2023
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Poster Awards

This page summarizes the results of the poster session held on September 9, based on the decision of the international jury composed by: Gustavo Canal (IF-USP), Felipe Fait (POLI-USP, Elec), Fuad Kassab (POLI-USP, Elec), Marlon Mathias Sproesser (POLI-USP, Meca), Aurore Savoy-Navarro (CEA-IRFU, Paris Saclay and CNRS/IN2P3, FR), Yoshinobu Unno (KEK, JP). 

All the posters and photos taken during the presentation are on the timetable page on Saturday September 9


The selection is based on the poster content, the design and presentation of the poster, the attendance to the school, the personal contribution to the work presented on the poster as well as the oral presentation and answers to the questions.

  1. 1st prize ex-aequo: Angela Mazzeo (POLI-USP) and Saulo Aberton (IF-USP) 

  2. 2nd prize ex-aequo: Bruno Turin (POLI-USP),  Mosst Tasnim Showkat (Manchester University, UK) and Pedro Ventura (IF-UFRJ)

  3. 3rd prize ex-aequo: Fernando Albuquerque (IPEN-Nuclear Tech.), Elvis Cantelli (IAG, USP), Jose Fernandes (IF-USP), Daniel Alves Matos (IF-USP), Lucas Stano (Research Reactor, IPEN)

A SPECIAL PAGE IS IN PREPARATION on the school website frontage for presenting the winners of the best posters awards and the delivery of the certifcates.



The number of ex-aequo reflects the large diversity of topics/fields presented in this poster session.

After working on the topic they presented all the nominees are awarded the possibility of writing a contribution, to the INFIERI2023 Proceedings to be published in the Journal of Instrumentation, JINST. This is a peered international review allowing a very large spectrum of topics to be covered, from theoretical to technological contents, but including new unpublished aspects. The contribution will be under the form of an article co-signed by all the co-authors. Details on the rues for publication in JINST will be provided soon and posted on the school website.



The jury has decided to give three "special prizes":

  1. Special Prize for Elisa di Meco (Roma II and LNF-INFN, IT) for her contribution in setting-up the hands-on Lab on "characterization of Innovative  Scintillating Materials and Data Analysis Introduction" with Eleonora Diociaiuti (LNF-INFN, IT)

  2.  Special Prize for the excellent undergrad poster contribution: Francisco Nem Dahab (IF-USP and IFT-UNESP)

  3. Special prize for a poster on relevant social contribution: Moises Rodriguez (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, UPCH, Peru)


The presenters of a poster in the list here below are encouraged to work on an article with their co-authors, if the topic they reported on is susceptible to be published as an article in the JINST Proceedings.

Daniela Lumara Peres (IPEN), Hadassa Onisaki (POLI-USP), Elisa di Meco (Roma II and LNF), Eduardo Stefanato (IF-USP), Vitoria Brandao (IPEN), Pedro Marques (POLI-USP), Roberto Blatt (IPEN), Andre Bouzan (POLI-USP), Douglas (Novaes (IF-UFRGS), Carlos Gabriel Santos (IPEN), Adson Soares de Souza (IF-USP), Felipe Salvador (IF-USP), Caue Ferreira (IF-USP).



Last but not least a special mention to all the undergrads that made the effort, although, not yet involved in a research work, to present a poster on their field of interest"

Bruno Gehlen (IF-USP), Ricardo Mesquita (IF-USP), Joao Vitor Araya Kobayashi de Sousa (IF-USP), Lucas Porta (IF-USP), Matheus de Cruz Silva (IF-USP), Gabriel Vian (IFT-UNESP), 

All the poster presenters if not already granted a certificate of participation to the school will be given a certificate for poster presentation.