List of Lecturers: (in preparation)
Barbara Lopes Amaral, PhD Professor at the Physics Institute at USP, BR
James Bartlett: Astrophysicist, Full Professor at the Universite Paris Cite, Member of the Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory, APC, Paris, FR
Yan Benhammou: Particle Physicist at experiments at CERN (ATLAS and CMS) and DESY, PhD Researcher at the University of Tel Aviv, IL.
Wim Bogaerts: Full Professor in the Photonics Research Group at Gent University and the IMEC nanotechnology center in Belgium, an IEEE fellow and senior member of OSA and SPIE.
Gustavo Paganini Canal: Associate Professor at IF-USP; coordinator of Brazilian Tokamak upgrade TCABR and of Plasma Physics area of Brazilian Physical Society .
Marcela Carena: Head of Theoretical Physics Department at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, FNAL, USA. Professor at University of Chicago in Enrico Fermi Institute and Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics,
Nioolo Cartiglia: Researcher at National Institute of Nuclear Research , INFN, Sezione di Torino; PI of International innovative R&D projects.
Philippe Wilhelm Courteille: Professor at Sao Carlos Physics Institute of USPSC. Currently, Coordinator of an experimental research group studying collective effects in ultracold atoms interaction with light.
Cinzia Da Via: Professor of Physics at Manchester University, visiting Prof. at SUNY Stony Brook. Expert in innovative radiation detectors for High-Energy Physics and Medical applications. Member of IEEE, of NPSS Transnational Committee, UK representative and Nuclear Science Symposium Chair.
Albert De Roeck: Particle Physicist, CERN staff member. Professor at University of Antwerp (BE); visiting professor at UC Davis and NTU. Currently Neutrino physics group leader at CERN, in DUNE and ICARUS in USA and T2K in Japan.
Vinicius Njaim Duarte: Staff Research Physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab., PPPL, DOE permanent member of ITER ITPA Energetic Particle Physics Group; member of the Executive Committee of ITER Transport Task Force,
Felipe Fernandes Fanchini Professor and researcher at UNESP-Bauru. Research in quantum information, quantum computation, and machine learning (open quantum systems, protection of quantum information, and exploration of quantum systems through ML techniques)..
Daniel Felinto
Marcelo Finger: Professor of Computer Science at IME-USP. Research on interaction between logical and probabilistic reasoning, their computational complexity and applications in AI, Databases, Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities.
Fabio Coral Fonseca: Senior researcher and head of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Center at Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN). PI of research projects to expand fuel cell technology to use alternative fuels such as bioethanol and methane, with Shell, Nissan, and Stellantis.
Alfredo Goldman: Associate Professor at Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME). USP, associate editor of journal Parallel Computing, part of program committee of conferences like XP, IPDPS, IEEE NCA, ICPP, JSSPP, SBAC, SBRC, SBES and SBQS.
Damien Gratadour: Observational Astronomer and an Adaptive Optics (AO) fellow. Since at Observatoire de Paris, PSL, leads an original research program on high performance numerical techniques for astronomy and implementation of CNRS, INRIA and Atos joint laboratory for SKA.
Mikhail Gryaznevich: a founder of Tokamak Energy, the Chief Scientist and a member of executive board. He is a leading global authority on tokamaks and has performed experiments on 16 different tokamak during his distinguished career.
Juan Miguel Jimenez
Rafael Lozano Rafael: is ELLA Link Country Manager, Administrator of the Brazilian end of the newest optic fiber cable since June 2019. This cable links rope with South America, providing the highest speed and availability, with the lowest delay between continents, since August 2021
Julio Meneghini Full Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Escola Politécnica, EPUSP, Director of the Research Centre for Gas Innovation. Coordinator of Fluid & Dynamics Research Group at EPUSP. Member of Academy of Sciences of São Paulo State
Hiroshi Nunokawa: Professor at Physics Department, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio. Theoretician and experimentalist Neutrino Physics, Newly elected chair of Physics Department of PUC-Rio.
Paulo Nussenzveig, Professor at Physics Institute at USP, Pro-rector for Science and Innovation. Special interests and leading a National Initiative in Quantum Sciences and applications with collaborators from abroad.
Nadia Pastrone: High Er projectnergy Physicist, at National Institute of Nuclear Research, INFN, Sezione di Torino; former chair of National Scientific INFN Committee for high energy physics; one of the leader and instigator of Muon Collider
Robert Patti: President of NHanced Semiconductors, Inc., USA. Spearheaded development and delivery of cutting-edge 3D and 2.5D integration techno. for high energy physics, medicine, automotive, military, HPC, and others..
Jose Perrotta: Civil Engineer in Nuclear Engineering and Technology, at IPEN-CNEN. Several technical, management and coordination functions e.g. Head of IPEN, Director of R&D at CNEN, Advisor to CNEN Presidency; and Technical Coordinator of the Brazilian RMB Project of CNEN.
Ozgur Mehmet Sahin: Physicist at CEA-IRFU Paris Saclay, leading the development of the DAQ system of the new timing detector for LHC High Luminosity of CMS upgrade.
Ricardo Elgul Samad: Senior Researcher at IPEN-CNEN; Specialized in high intensity ultrashort laser pulses and their interaction with matter. Now, on laser particle acceleration, for producing radioisotopes for nuclear medicine
Roberto Serra
Stephan Soldner-Rembold: Particle Physicist, Professor and Head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester (UK), Spokesperson of DUNE (2018 -2022) and of Dzero at Tevatron-FNAL (2009-2011),
Laerte Sodre: Astrophysicist, full Professor at USP, former Director of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Science, IAG-USP. Visiting Scientist in various places e.g. IAP-Paris and Cambridge.
David Southwick: Computing Engineer and Fellow at CERN Openlab. Worked at CMS LHC experiment on detector design, upgrades, and data acquisition systems. Leads efforts on advanced HPC on fundamental Big Data sciences (data transmission, heterogeneous compute resources for Exascale)
Steinar Stapnes: Particle Physicist, Professor at Physics Department of University of Oslo (NO) and Research Scientist at CERN. Now International Muon Collider Collab. Steering Group Leader; member of International Advisory Committee of CepC project
Jingyu Tang: Professor at School of Nuclear Science and Technology, jointly National Synchrotron Radiation Lab, University of Science and Tech.of China (USTC), Hefei. Leads SPPC project as second stage of CepC.
Guilherme Temporao:
Nhan Tran:
Pierre Vedrine: Accelerator Physicist, Head of the Division on Accelerators, Cryogenics and Magnets, DACM, at the Institute of Research in the Fundamental Laws of the Universe, IRFU, at CEA in France,
Carlos Wagner: Head of Argonne National Laboratory, ANL, High Energy Physics Theory Group; Professor at Physics Department of the University of Chicago, Enrico Fermi Institute, and the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, University of Chicago
Sebastian Weidt: Computing Scientist, CERN, CH
Gustavo Wiedehecker: Associate Professor at UNICAMP. Research laboratory targets: harnessing nonlinear optical phenomena within microphotonic devices, with focus on interaction between light and mechanical waves. Elected affiliate member of Brazilian Academy of Sciences for 2019-2024 .
Wendy Williams: Astronomy Scientist at the SKA Observatory Headquarters, Jodrell Bank (UK); Member of the SKAO Science Team since 2022.
Carlos Alexandre Wuensche: Senior researcher at INPE (National Institute for Space Research, BR) Astrophysics Division; Former Head of INPE Astrophysics Division, now BINGO scientific coordinator.
Clayton Barcelos Zabeu: Associate Professor & Researcher at IMT. Conducting researcher projects at IMT Research Center; Teaching internal combustion engines, fuels, emissions and energy conversion systems. Long term involvement on automotive and energy R&D sector, with Industry.
Shuang-Nan Zhang: Director of the Particle Astrophysics Division at Institute of High Energy Physics, IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chief Scientist of Space Science Research Division and Director of X-ray Imaging Laboratory of National Astronomical Observatories of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences. PI of Astronomy and Astrophysics Program of China’s Space Station, Science Advisor of Einstein Probe X-ray satellite mission.