27 August 2023 to 10 September 2023
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

School Contributors


The LOGOS of the school website frontpage are giving the list of Academia, Research Institutes, Research Laboratories, Inustrial Firms and research funding agencies, that are contibuting to the school by providing funding in money, in travelling support, in Hands-on Labs and corresponding material, in providing Lecturers and/or Labs organizers, or in supporting studenrs from abroad to attend the school.

In this page we are listing all of them:

                                                 MANY THANKS TO ALL

                                                            ACADEMIA :


USP:  University of Sao Paulo, including Institutes of Astrophysics and Geosciences (IAG-USP), Insitute of Physics (IF-USP),  Institute of Mathematics and Statstics (IME-USP), Polytechnic School (POLI-USP)

USP-SC; USP Sao Carlos (SP)

UFABC: Federal Uuniversity of ABC, Saint Andre (Sao Paulo)

UNESP: State University of Sao Paulo, Julio Mesquite Filho, UNESP, including the Insttute of Theoretical Physics )IFT-UNESP) and SPRACE (Sao Paulo Research and Computing Center)

UFSCAR: Federal University of Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo State)

UNICAMP:: Federal University of Campinas (Sao Paulo State

UFPE: Federal University of Pernambuco (PE)

PUC-Rio: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (RJ)

UFRJ: Federal Universoty of Rio de Janeiro (RJ)

Belgium: University of Gent 

China: University of Science and Technology of China at Hefei (USTC),  Chines Academy of Sciences (CAS)

France: University of Paris (Paris-Diderot), Paris-Saclay University

Italy: Torino University and INFN Sezione di Torino

UK: Kings College of London, Manchester University, Oxford , Uniersity of Sussex

USA: University of Chicago (Dept. of Physics, Enrico Fermi Institute, and Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics), SUNY StonyBrook

                                     RESEARCH LABORATORIES and CENTERS:


IPEN-CNEN:  Research Institute on Energy and Nuclear Energy (IPEN) of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN)         

INPE: National Institute of Spatial Research

China: Institute of High Energy Physics, IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

France: IRFU-CEA: Research Institute of Fundamental Laws of the Universe (IRFU) at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

Italy: Frascati National Laboratory, LNF, of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, INFN.

Switzerland: European Center for Nuclear Research, CERN, Geneva

UK: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, RAL,Harwell Campus (Oxfordshire) managed by Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), and the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO), and headquarters, located at the Jodrell Bank Observatory

USA: Fermi National Laboratory, FermiLab (or FNAL),  Department of Energy (DOE) Batavia, Illinois

                                                 INDUSTRIAL FIRMS:



ELLA Link: is a state-of-the-art submarine cable. An optical submarine platform offering secure high capacity connectivity on a unique and low latency diverse transatlantic route, linking the major terrestrial and subsea hubs in Europe and Latin America: https://ella.link/

EVIDEN is an Atos business that brings together its digital, cloud and big data & security business lines.

LANIAQ: Brazilian Co-design High Performance Computing firmhttp://laniaq.com/

NHanced Semicinductors Inc. Advanced Semiconductors technology Firm: https://nhanced-semi.com/ (USA)


Tokamak Industry: https://www.tokamakenergy.co.uk/

Universal Quantum (UQ):  https://universalquantum.com/ 


           RESEARCH FUNDING AGENCIES:for Science, Technology and Innovation

FAPESP: Sao Paulo Research Foundation (Sao Paulo State)

FDTE: Fundation for the Technological Development of the Engineering (POLI-USP), https://fdte.org.br/

CNPq: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development under the Ministry of Science and Technology (Brazil)

FINEP: Finacier of Studies and Projects under the Ministry of Science and Technology (Brazil)